The Letter

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I laid on my bed with tears in my eyes, she's...gone. I looked up at the window then at the small polaroid picture resting on my nightstand. My shaky hand picked up the small picture of a girl with short light brown hair and brilliant amber eyes with me standing next to her kissing her forehead. She was laughing and pulling on my shaggy black hair, my finger was tickling her cheek. There was such innocence in this picture, I was shaking again as I held the picture close to my heart, I couldn't believe she was gone. I looked at the small green jacket resting on my bed next to my pillow, it still smelled like her.

She had tried to save everyone in that station, I had loved her everyday and I still will. I haven't left my room in days. It was very late when I rose from my bed and put the picture in my pocket, pulled on my red jacket and left silently. I opened my door but I still couldn't stop shaking. I walked slowly down the hall but then when I came across her room I sped up until I was running on shaky legs. I ended up in the lounge where I saw Shiro, Hunk, and Allura. I didn't bother wondering where Lance and Coran are because Allura stood up immediately and rushed over to me, she didn't dare touch me though.

"K-Keith, are you feeling a little better?" Allura asks carefully and I just stare back, opening my mouth to say anything would be bad for me. I would definitely start to cry. Shiro came up to me and went to rest a hand on my shoulder but I shifted and hit his hand away from me. Being touched was not on my list of things I wanted right now.

"Is there anything we can do for you?" Shiro asked and Hunk was now interested in what was going on, he turned and watched us. Hunk stood up and opened his mouth to say something but I started to tune him out. I didn't move and I could only stare, I didn't want anything from them. I wanted Pidge back. I was halfway to tears until Allura gripped my arm tightly in her hand, I tried to yank my arm from her grasp but she wouldn't let go. I was surprised as she dragged me to Pidge's room, I fought against her with tears fresh in my eyes.

"You are going to want to see this," Allura whispers as she pulls me along to the Green Paladin's room and I felt a whimper escape my lips as she opens the door. It was cold and instead of hearing her normal hello, there was silence. Allura let me go and I slumped to the ground and when she tried to get me to my feet I remained where I was, scared to be on my feet. She shrugged and walked to the empty bed where a small piece of paper remained, she picked it up and brought it over to me.

"Open it, she had written it awhile ago and planned to give it to you," Allura told me and I took it with a trembling hand, I opened it and read her beautiful handwriting. Of course it wasn't perfect and she tended to scribble her words together in a confusing mess, I suppose that's what I loved most about her writing letters to me.


I know that our next mission is going to be scary, but it could be our last chance to completely destroy the Galra. I want you to know that I want you to be safe, I care too much about you to watch you slip away. When all this is over I want you to finally get the balls to kiss me for real. I can see your red face now, you only do those lame kisses on the forehead or the cheek. When we make it back and the Galra Empire is completely destroyed, let's celebrate by you kissing me okay? Is that a deal? It better be. I love you so much, can't wait for the celebration.



I wanted to scream, I never got that letter. She never gave it to me, but I wanted to uphold the request and I probably never got it because she became to shy. I felt my fingers going numb so I gently folded the paper and put it in my pocket next to my picture. I didn't let myself cry, I didn't want to show anymore weakness. I began to shake over and over in rage and sorrow. Rage of not being able to save her, and sorrow because I couldn't have upheld her request before she left.

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