12 ; Getting Under Your Skin

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          They don't seem so bad, Joan thought, looking upon the group of prep school lacrosse players. They are pretty cute...

          "Yeah, you're going to pay for it. We're gonna break you in half out there. And it's gonna be all your fault," what appeared to be the team captain spat, anger visible in his eyes as he talked to Liam.

          Nope, they're bad! They are so not cute anymore, Joan thought to herself, watching the scene with concern. Her eyes looked at Liam, quickly noticing the blood beginning to drip from his fists, Scott noticing as well.

          The three quickly came to Liam's aid, Scott having to grip his should to keep the young beta from attempting to kill Brett. Joan and Stiles smiled nervously at the new lacrosse team, not wanting to make the situation worse. 

          "Hey, what's going on prep students? Welcome to our little public high school," Stiles began, waving his hand awkwardly. "How you doing? That's a firm handshake you got there." 

          "We're really excited for the scrimmage tonight! Uh, but let's keep it clean, y'know? No killing anyone or anything. It's all about having fun, isn't that right, Stiles?" Joan rambled after, trying to keep a smile on her face. Stiles nodded, about to help Scott take away Liam, but the sound of the Devenford Prep's team captain's voice meets his ears.

          "Of course, sweetheart. It's all in the fun of the game," Brett grinned, waiting for Joan's reaction. Her eyes widened slightly and a soft blush appeared on her cheeks. She quickly shook her head and mumbled back: "Ok, uh, have a nice day!"

          Joan quickly grabbed ahold of Liam and began to haul him away from the other team with Scott. Stiles gaped at Joan and the team captain, wanting nothing more than to wipe his proud smirk off his face. "Stiles!" Joan called, completely unaware of his dilemma. "A little help here, please?!" 

          Stiles sighed in frustration, and ran up to Scott and Joan to help with the new turned beta. The trio thrusted Liam into the empty locker room and turned on one of the showers. Stiles and Scott held the freshman underneath the cold water. Joan would occasionally ask Liam if he was calm yet, but would only earn a growl.

          "Liam, are you calm yet?" Joan asked for what felt like the twentieth time. Scott and Stiles silently pulling Liam out from under the shower head. Once again the young beta growled at the three, causing Scott and Stiles to push him back under.

          "Okay! Okay!" Liam coughs out after several more minutes under the cold water. Joan sighed in relief as she turned off the shower head. "Thank God," she mumbled under her breath.

          "That car you smashed," Scott slowly began, kneeling in front of Liam, "I thought you said that was your teacher's."

           Liam looked at the three before them hesitantly, "He was also my Coach. He benched me for the entire season."

          "Why?" Joan asked, standing beside Scott. "You can tell us, Liam. It's okay."

          The young beta nodded, finally willing to tell them the truth, "I got a couple of red cards."

          "Just a couple?" Stiles asked sarcastically.

          "You gotta be honest with us. What else happened?" Scott questioned with his alpha tone.

          "Nothing!" Liam shoots back. "I got kicked out of school. They sent me to a psychologist for evaluation."

          "What did they call it?"

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