26 ; The Battle of All Battles

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          Joan's heart was pounding within her chest as she ran behind Stiles throughout La Iglesia. Her hand gripped her bow staff tightly, the blades out on each end and ready to be used. Joan quickly looked over her shoulder, her eyes connecting with Liam's for a brief moment.

          "Okay, everyone stop, stop, stop!" Peter hollered, causing the teens to stagger to a stop. Joan looked at Peter in confusion, breathing heavily as she tried to control her nerves. "We gotta figure out where we are, then we have to figure out how to find Scott and Kira."

          Peter opened his mouth once more to continue when the sound of a cellphone ringing met their ears. Everyone turned to look at Stiles, glaring at him harshly. "How do I even have service..." Stiles mumbled incredulously, quickly grabbing his cellphone from his back pocket.

          "Hi, Dad... Okay, Dad, I know you're angry," Stiles tried to ease his father, looking over at Joan as he took several steps ahead of the group for some privacy.

          "Oh, I'm beyond angry," the Sheriff growled. "I've reached a level of fury that you could not possibly comprehend."

          Stiles winced, "Okay, well, when I get back you can ground me."

          The Sheriff shook his head in annoyance, looking out the windows in front of his office to see both Bethany and Charles Arcs sitting together fearfully. "Ground you? Ground you?! I'm going to hobble you! I have the Arcs' here wondering where the hell their daughter is and telling me that you were going to be with her!"

           Stiles gaped, looking over at Joan with guilt. The Arcs girl arched an eyebrow at Stiles in confusion, wondering why he was looking at her while talking to his father. 

          The Sheriff sighed, running his free hand over his face in exhaustion, "Now, please, tell me you're all right. Tell me that you and Joan are safe."

          "You want me to lie?" Stiles mumbled, looking away from Joan anxiously.

          "Oh God," the Sheriff said nervously, his mind racing with thousands of dangerous scenarios. "Okay. Tell me– tell me what I can do. How can I help?"

          "Find Lydia?" Stiles asked, his hands shaking. "She was at the school when we called Mason to look for her, but now we're not hearing back from either of them." Stiles sighed, running his fingers through his hair as he turned to look over at Joan once more. "I don't know, Dad, I don't know what I'm doin'. You know, I'm just... I'm trying to save my friends."

          The Sheriff nodded, a sad smile gracing his lips, "Okay. I'll find Lydia and Mason. You get Scott and Kira. Save your friends."

         "What about her parents?" Stiles asked, looking down at his shoes.

         "I'll talk to them. Everything will be fine," the Sheriff reassured, trying to come up with a believable lie.

           Stiles sighed in relief, thankful that his father was willing to help him, "Thank you, Dad. Also, if it's one of the Berserkers at the school, you're gonna need firepower. A lot." With a final goodbye Stiles ended the call and pocketed his phone.

         Joan walked over to Stiles quickly, looking at him with concern, "Is everything okay?"

          "It's your parents. They're at the police station," Stiles answered sympathetically.

          Joan groaned, shaking her head. She knew her parents were protective, but she didn't think they were that protective. Though, they did have the right to be worried since she was their daughter. Joan couldn't help but feel guilty. She quickly shook her head, turning to look at the rest of the group while pushing her guilt to the back of her head, "Okay. What do we do now?"

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