By number 7, I'm out of names

19 2 8

Thanks a bunch to Krazygirl510 for tagging me in this shiz! I guess I gotta do it now!

Thanks a bunch to Krazygirl510 for tagging me in this shiz! I guess I gotta do it now!

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1- I don't really have a nickname but... I'm called Hannah Rose so I sometimes get Rosie at home

2- I have hazelish browny coloured eyes

3- I have dark brown hair but it'll be purple some day

4- Okay... One random fact... Er...
I am in love with graphic design... I think I might consider it as a career when I'm older if I decide I don't wanna go into games development

5- Black or purple... Definitely

6- Nowhere specific... Just anywhere that I'm alone... With Internet connection

7- Our Lord and saviour Geesus... Yep Gerard Way!

8- Dogs... Cos puppehs be cute

9- Anything from any band that I have ever mentioned to be one of my favs... Don't make me choose!

10- Any one from the maze runner or divergent series


Smolograph (oh look I actually remembered your new name!)
@anyone else who reads this and wants to do the tag!

Even if I haven't tagged you, you can do the tag and say you've been tagged by me, if you do then I'll edit the book so that I tag you :P

I might just start leaving the tags open like ^that^ instead of tagging everyone then I can finish these a lot sooner and also don't have to worry about leaving someone out by mistake or tagging someone who's already been tagged. I know for a fact that at some point I've done both of those things purely because I have a sucky memory XD

Anyway... Byee!

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