Not a tag... But still read this plzzz!

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Okay... So this is gonna be a short part... I would put it in my updates book but it's really related to tagging so it's better in here anyway...

I'm probably not gonna be able to be active much on here... Now you may be wondering what that has to do with tags... I'll tell you what it has to do with tags!

If you tag me in something and I don't do the tag, the chances are that I haven't seen it... So I'm gonna ask, if you tag me in something and I don't do the tag within a couple of days... Privately message me, telling me that you've tagged me in something as I'm more likely to be able to see that message than the tag itself...

You don't have to do this if you don't want to but if you don't then I probably won't get round to doing the tag... Sorry...

That's all for now... See you in the next tag XP

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