Chapter 2♔

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I woke up the next day a couple of hours before the second game of the series.

I decided I wanted to get to Kauffman a little earlier today, so I'd have time to do some extra shopping.

I pull on some shorts and a random plain white t-shirt, since it won't really matter in awhile. I take my hair out of the braid it was in from last night and shake out my curls. Placing a Cardinals hat on my head, I finish getting ready.

"Hey, bud," I greet my dog, Zeus. He was a relatively small Aussie. I was glad he didn't require much work. I walked him once a day and that was about it. "You wanna go for a walk?" I clip his leash on and we make our way downstairs.

After our trip around the block a couple of times, I lead him back upstairs and take his leash off, saying a quick goodbye and grabbing my ticket. Luke wasn't able to come, but I was supposed to meet Anna there.

As I was driving to Kauffman, I hummed along to whatever pop song played on the radio, my fingers anxiously tapping on on the steering wheel.

My ticket was scanned and I was walking through the stadium, trying to find one of the stores. After I found one, I push through the glass doors and into the store filled with blue.

I grab a jersey with 35 in gold letters, making sure that that was the one I liked the best. I make my way over to the cashier, handing her my card when she told me the overpriced amount.

Once the receipt was in my bag, I rip the tags off, throwing them in a nearby trashcan and slipping the jersey on over my t-shirt.

I move my way to where we were sitting yesterday. We scored seats just off of third base for the whole series. They were only three rows back from the field.

Anna is already sitting in her chair, feet propped up on the one in front of her.

"Thanks for leaving me last night," I joke and I weave my way to my seat.

"You've finally come to your senses!" She shouts, referring to my jersey. "Who are you wearing?"

"Er- Hosmer," I correct.

"Ooh, he's cute," Anna says.

"I know, really cute. But you have a boyfriend, missy."

"Just cause I'm dating Luke doesn't mean I can't think he's hot," she argues. "You still haven't gotten there all the way, though. Still wearing that ugly hat."

"It is not ugly!" I protest, grabbing a peanut from her bag and throwing it at her.

"Ellie!" A familiar voice shouts. I turn my head, making sure I'm not hearing things. "I like your jersey a lot better today," he says, leaning on the wall. His grin causes me to break out in laughter.

"I expect good things from you, mister," I joke, and he flashes a thumbs up before turning around and jogging back to his teammates.

"Wait. What just happened?" Anna asks, stunned by what she just saw unfold.

"Maybe you and Luke shouldn't have left me last night to get freaky," I poke at her, and she turns beet red.

"We did not get 'freaky'!" She exclaims.

"Straight lies. It's okay though, kinda glad you guys left. I was vomiting in my mouth watching you," I tell her.

"But none of that explains how you suddenly know Eric Hosmer and is wearing his jersey," she retorts.

"I don't kiss and tell," I respond simply.

"I'll try to pry it out of you over drinks tonight, what do you say?" She suggests.

"Sorry, Anna. I've got plans after the game."

"With who?" She narrows her eyes at me.

"It's a secret," I giggle, seeing her frustration.

"You're going out with him again, aren't you!?" She yells.

"Be quiet!" I scold.

"My best friend is basically dating Eric Hosmer!"

"No, I'm not," I slap her arm, trying to get her to settle down. "I've seen him once!"

"And you're gonna see him again tonight."

"Whatever," I say, giving up and turn my attention to the game that is about to start.

In Eric's first at-bat, he struck out. I could see the disappointment on his face as he gripped the bat and headed back towards the dugout.

The second time he came to the plate, he had more determination than ever. Eric swung at the first pitch he saw, driving it to opposite field. It was a no-doubter, and as he rounded third he made eye contact with me, pointing my way with a smile.

Clapping for him, I shoot back a grin, but jokingly roll my eyes.

After the crowd had settled down a bit, I pulled out my phone to shoot him a text.

I could see Anna was leaning over, trying to read the few texts we had sent back and forth.

"Private information," I say, giggling and angling my phone away from her.

Aw, darn. Really hoping I wouldn't have to hang out w/ you again

I knew he wouldn't get the message until after the game, but I sent it anyway.

Later on, I got up and decided to go get some food.

"You want anything?" I ask Anna.

"Nachos, please," she responds, digging in her purse for money.

"I got it, don't worry."

As I was standing in line for a beer, Anna's nachos in my hand, I hear the crowd roar.

"And it's a two home run night for Eric Hosmer!" The announcer yells, and I find the nearest screen up on a pillar in the stadium. He looked up after just stepping on second, scanning his eyes around the section. After a couple seconds, he puts his head back down and continues jogging around the bases.

Skipping the alcohol, I get out of line and go back to me seat.

"You're man just hit his second one of the night!" Anna squeals.

"He's not my man," I laugh.


Soon enough, the game was over and everyone was leaving.

"Can you come over for a couple minutes? I need your fashion assistance," I tell her.

"You're right! We don't want you going on your date wearing a tragic outfit," she says. I decide to ignore both the 'date' remark and the insult in the sentence.

"I'll meet you there, okay?" We part ways, going to our cars.


I was sitting at a stoplight when my phone dinged. Looking up and making sure the light was still red, I reach over and grab my phone.

You're stuck with me. I'll pick you up at 8, Plaza.

I smile at the text, putting my phone down when the light turned green.


I don't have much to say, so I hope you like this chapter! Comment and vote!

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