Chapter Four: Nymph Grove

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Sendra’s father was right after an hour and a half they were already far from the bay and were in the grove. They were walking through the night when Aaron asked Aiden about where they were.

“Hey Aiden since we’re close let’s see if the journal will tell us a clue about where to find the nymphs?” Aaron asked. Aiden took out the journal to the section that said NYMPHS. He cleared his voice and began to read from the journal.

“Nymphs. Magic beings with unparallel beauty. They live in Nymph Grove in a sisterhood-like tribe. They have special healing powers that can be used on other creatures. Despite their beauty they are very skilled fighters with weapons, especially a bow and arrow, and can hold their own in battle.” He read. “Wow it should be easy to find them and I don’t think we’ll have any trouble, they seem tough.” He continued.

“Well we must be in the grove now we just have to find the tribe.” Aaron said. They kept walking through the grove when Aiden felt they were being stalked. A hush growling was heard by him alone. Ira and Aaron did not seem to hear it until it got louder.

“You hear that?” Aaron said.

“I was wondering if you two were deaf I’ve been hearing it for a while and it’s starting to give me the creeps.” Aiden whispered. The growling stopped. They also stopped trying to listen for it, but nothing. They kept moving. However, a figure flashed from hiding and knocked Aiden out. They sent him flying toward one o the tree stumps bumping the back of his head. Then it disappeared as quickly as it had appeared leaving no trace.

Later that night Aiden awoke to find himself on a bed. He was really weak and his body ached. His robe was taken off and he saw claw marks running down his body. He was really badly damaged. Someone then walked in. A girl, a young girl. She was beautiful and was flawless. She had to be a nymph.

“Glad to see that you’re up. You gave your friends quite a worry.” She said. Aiden just stayed quiet and confused. “Oh I’m sorry my name’s Uri. I’m a nymph.” She walked over to him and ran her hands through his scars. They began to heal faster after she touched them. He looked up in amazement. “A nymph’s magic can heal creatures. You need to rest.”

“Thanks for finding me, and thanks for healing me.” Aiden said.

“Oh I didn’t find you. My sister found you. You were unconscious and she found your friends trying to help you. She took you back and did most of the healing.” Uri said. Aiden then lied back down and tried to get some rest. He tired to but he could not. He tried to get up but stumbled quite a bit. He finally got his balance and went outside. It was still night. He had not been out of it for long. He wandered around until he came across a pond. Laying on the edge right before the pond was another nymph. Aiden was mesmerized. She was even more gorgeous than the other one. She had long wavy dark brown hair. She had flawless skin that looked like it was made of silk. Her eyes were both mysterious and hypnotic. Seeing her, made Aiden utterly forget about his wounds. The rest of the world just melted away and for a second they were the only two. She was glowing, a light that reminded Aiden of the way the moon shines. She was just staring up at the full moon, which Aiden also liked to do. He tried to move but he was still hurting and he was tired.

He struggled to walk over to her but before he could move, she looked back and gave him a glance as if she knew he had been there the whole time. He walked as much as he could toward her and when she saw him, she got up and walked over to him.

“Well I’m glad you’re okay. When I found you, it looked like you were beaten up badly. Shouldn’t you be resting?” She said. Aiden just kept staring at her. “Um are you okay or did you lose your voice when you were knocked out?” she continued.

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