A walk in the woods

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((Another lord of the rings song I just find it fits kinda well))

Fallacy's P.O.V
I walked down the dark hallways of my castle, every step I took echoed through out the palace. The torches flickered their dim fire light down the halls, as I past the ballroom I saw Sauve. He came up to me bowing respectively and said

"m'lord! Would you like anything?" "No,"I responded continuing down the hall. It was getting tiring walking down the same halls, over, and over and over, again just waiting for something new, something unique, something out of the ordinary to happen. I reched the end of the hall and into the main entrance room where a chandelier hung from the ceiling,
"Sauve!"I called he came rushing down the halls and to me bowing, and waiting for his orders. "Inform the royal guard that I'm leaving for the time being, if I'm not back an hour before morning send a search party for me." I ordered he nodded and slowly bowed. "Permission to leave?" He asked still bowing. "Permission granted" I answered walking out the brown doors of my castle. I walked down the road to the forest, people bowing as they saw me, I just kept walking. I noticed a little vampire girl staring intently at a white flower in my path. I picked the flower and motioned for her to come forth.
"What is your name?" I asked her as friendly as I could. She hesitated before answering "m-my name is frisk m'lord" she said bowing her head. I put the flower in her hair and told her to stay safe and out of the village, she giggled and ran off to play with some more of the kids.((I didn't know what to put with out him sounding weird)) I kept walking and soon reached the end of the path that lead deeper into the woods that my people called home. As I got deeper into the forest, I noticed something off. There was barely any noticeable life around, I continued walking as I walked farther I smelled blood, fresh blood, not dead but alive and warm. I let my instincts take me to the source and I saw...a mortal? 'In my woods? I thought it was a sin to come here, Interesting....' I thought 'well I can't complain it is new after all' I thought as I hid behind a tree. I hadn't had monster or human blood in a while, this will be interesting.

Encre's P.O.V
My small walk in the woods turned into me getting lost due to getting caught up in its beauty. I Kept walk trying not to lose hope, I had to stay positive if I ever wanted to make it out. All of the sudden I felt a strong presence in the woods, like someone was watching me stumble over the rocks and broken branches that coated the forest floor.
"H-hello?" I shakily said....no one answered....so I brushed it off and continued walking. I ran into a clearing that let the moon coat the ground with its silvery light. I stopped for a bit to admire the moons presence. After a bit I continued to walk. As I went back into the forest, I heard a twig snap. I whipped my head towards the noise but saw nothing.
"H-hello?" I said again, but now I was pretty sure someone was following me. "I-I know your out there! Come out and show yourself!" I said trying to sound confident but was failing. Suddenly I heard a deep menacing voice.
"Heh....your right...I can't hide from you"it spoke the voice sent shivers down my spine. I saw a caped figure come forth from the shadows. As it walked into the moon light I saw its face it was a man. He had flame like markings around his eyes, he was a black skeleton with red and yellow fingers. He wore a long ripped up cape that dragged behind him as he walk towards me. "What are you doing in these woods?" He asked. "I-I was walking here later on for inspiration for my art, but I ended up getting terrible lost...."I answered with sorrow."oh that's terrible...you should really get going though, vampires and wolves run wild in these woods~" just as he spoke a howl was heard in the distance and suddenly he was behind me rather closes to my neck which worried me. "U-umm if I may ask who are you?" I said shyly. "Oh! Yes how could I forget" he said seeming to teleport in front of me. "Fallacy, lord Fallacy, king of vampires at your service~" he cooed grinning as he took my hand and kissed it. I was shocked, I was talking with a vampire but not just any vampire the KING! Of vampire. I always heard stories of vampires but never believed them. I slowly backed away as he walked forwards, I hit a tree and he pinned me down to the dark brown bark. "And if I may ask who you are, your in my woods after all "he said eyeing up my neck eagerly. "M-m-my n-name is E-E-Encre!"I said shaking madly and on the verge of tears. "Heh, that a pretty name for a beautiful monster~" he cooed leaning down to my neck.
"N-no! P-please...I-I-I..I'm v-very s-sensiti-tive t-there!"I begged him stuttering due to feeling his hot breath on my neck. He just chucked and I readied myself to feel two needle sharp fang dig into my neck and end me, but instead, I felt a wet tongue and small nips not strong enough to draw blood on my neck. He started to suck on my neck and lick it even more making me moan loudly , he pulled away and looked deep into my fear filled eyes. He grinned at my state and said "wow...I could get used to those moans of yours...you weren't lying when you said you where sensitive..." I whimpered feeling hot all over. "C-can you p-please spare me and take me back to the village....?"I ask shy and nervous of his answer. He sighed heavily I wish I could but if I go any where near there i could endanger my whole kingdom"he said. "Say, how's about I take you back to the kingdom? You could stay with me for a bit, how's that sound?" I hesitated but nodded slowly looking deep into his eyes. 'God why do I think he's so hot....the way he breathed on my neck like that, when his tongue slid across my neck and his gentle nips....oh my stars I falling for him to hard....' I thought day dreaming about so many lewd things. He snapped me out of my trance when he picked me up. I struggled a bit in his strong grasp he noticed " shh it's ok I'm not going to hurt you"he comforted me "just hold on ok?" I nodded back and held tight to his shirt as huge black bat wings sprouted from behind his back. I had a slight blush on my face as He took of into the night sky, with me in his arms.

 I had a slight blush on my face as He took of into the night sky, with me in his arms

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Wow 1226 words holy shit I hope you all enjoyed!
~peace out!😜🤑

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