19: Monkeys and Puzzles Part 2

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Your P.o.v.

Windchimes. Such a strange sound to hear inside of silent office with an atmosphere filled with tension, but it was there. Sunlight illuminated the office through the four large windows in the spacious room, their light peeking in through the green curtains with gold lining that adorned each of the windows. My (h/l) (h/c) hair swayed with my movements as I turned my head from left to right. The walls were a magenta red along with a light peach that were clashed together in a checker pattern, their colors combined to make the rug that lay beneath my (f/c) boots, the Scepter 4 symbol lying in the center of it all. I looked to my right where two chairs rested. The backs were crafted from wood for the seat was made of cushioned green fabric, a perfect place to curl up and watch the clouds outside. Little lamps hung on spaces on the walls that were not covered by windows and I couldn't help but smile slightly upon seeing how cute the tiny light sources were. I looked to my left. Bamboo shoots seemed to separate the room in half, the green stalks reaching from ceiling to floor with wide openings making it easy to see the second platform that resided on the other side of the room. The second platform's floor was covered in what looked to be soft green matts and leaning up against the north wall was a desk-like table with two drawers that slid to the left and right. A circular map hung above the table and next to that was a calendar with a beautiful drawing on it as decoration. I was the month of January. Finally, my (f/c) and (e/c) eyes make their way to the sight right in front of me; the desk and the man sitting behind it. The desk was made from wood that shined in the evening sun, the gold trimming around it sparkling just like my (f/c) and (e/c) eyes as I admired it. With a swift movement I move my (h/l) (h/c) hair from my (f/c) and (e/c) eyes as I study the content on the desk; one lamp, a pile of papers, and last but not least an unfinished puzzle. And as I stared at the beautifully decorated pieces lying across the desk I could feel something tug at my heartstrings, almost as if...I remember seeing this somewhere before. "Miss (L/n)? Miss (L/n) are you alright?" I'm immediately snapped out of my jogged memories and back into reality at the sound of my last name and I look up to see that it was none other than Reisi. His hands were entwined with each other as they rested on the shining wood of his desk, the light from the windows creating a reflection on his glasses making it hard for my (f/c) and (e/c) eyes to meet his own violet ones. "O-oh, Yes I'm fine" I answer quickly, closing my multi colored eyes as I tilted my head and smiled, letting my (h/l) (h/c) locks flow. "I was just admiring your puzzle" I admit, opening my eyes and leaning forward as I studied the pieces. So many littered the desk but even more were already put together starting to form a perfectly drawn mountain. Reisi looked with me, swiveling in his plush office chair only slightly to stare at the pieces as if he hadn't even realized they were there. He nodded "I got this a few days ago" he said nonchalantly "I haven't had any time to finish it unfortunately" he sighed, locking his hands together once more as he stared at the puzzle. I smiled as I smoothed out my (f/c) jacket and moved my (h/l) (h/c) hair aside "well, you're really good, I'm terrible at puzzles" I admit with a laugh. "Their hard with that many pieces" I laugh, pulling a strand of my (h/l) (h/c) hair as I leaned back in my chair only for my (f/c) and (e/c) eyes to look up as I suddenly see a hand grasp one of the pieces. Reisi rested his hand against his cheek as he held the piece up to his face, turning it around in his hand as he studied it. "It all depends on you to put the pieces of the puzzle together in order to see the picture" Reisi said calmly as he lowered the piece from his eyes and hovered it over the puzzle. "Puzzles aren't all just about finding the pieces, it's about creating and putting those exceptional pieces together" as soon as the words left Reisi's lips he placed the puzzle piece down on the desk and together with the puzzle helping it create another part of the beautiful picture.

Reisi's P.o.v.

As soon as the puzzle piece came in contact with the rest of the puzzle I let my fingers graze upon the smooth picture before placing it back in my lap. Why had those words left my mouth? It was not everyday that I felt the need to share my feelings about certain things with others...although...something about the (h/c)-haired strain sitting in front of me made me relaxed. A rare feeling in a stressful environment. A sigh escapes my lips as I pic up yet another puzzle piece and study it, my violet eyes moving over every edge, every curve until within a matter of seconds I moved to put it in it's rightful place. But before I could even fully place it on the ground my violet eyes widen slightly and my body tenses up as I feel two small hands grasp my arm. I looked up, my eyes trailing from two soft (skin tone) hands to the cuffs of a (f/c) jacket until they finally reached a beautiful girl's face, her (f/c) and (e/c) eyes showing nervousness before her lisp parted "c-can you teach me how to be good at puzzles?...like you?" My violet eyes widened behind my glasses. But I had no tie to speak for her hands left my arm and clasped together with each other in a pleading motion "I promise I'll listen and be good" she assured me, her (f/c) and (e/c) eyes pleading as her (h/l) (h/c) hair framed her face. "Well, my schedule is full but I'm sure I can give you lesson-" "How about now?" "Now?" "Yeah! Now!" the strain smiles and before I now it every nerve in my body is going haywire for the girl that was at first sitting across from me was now on my lap, a wide smile on her features. "I'm ready to listen~" she hummed and a soon a she did I could feel my face become hot. What was this feeling? My violet eyes trailed over her form. Her hands rested respectively in her lap, her (h/l) (h/c) hair tickling my cheek ever so slightly for she was much shorter than me. (how does it feel to be taller than '5"2?). But most f all out of all her features I found that my violet eyes were stared at her (f/c) and (e/c) ones the most and as I stared into those eyes...I could see that they were filled with excitement and I felt something powerful erupt through my chest. I cleared my throat and then took a deep breath, momentarily closing my violet eyes and reaching out my hand only to open my eyes once more knowing that my hand was on top of her soft, small one. "First pick a piece that catches your eye" I spoke, moving with the (h/c)- haired strains as she picked up a puzzle piece, her (f/c) and (e/c) eyes shimmering with excitement as she smiled widely. She nodded once she picked her piece. I took a deep breath. "Now study it and look at every curve, then look at the puzzle and it's every curve" my body tensed as her's moved on top of mine as she looked down at the puzzle. This was becoming suffocating...so why hadn't I forced her off my lap already? I found my tensed up shoulders begin to droop as a sweet smell started to fill the area around me, and it took me a second to realize that it was coming from none other rta the woman on my lap. It smelled of (favorite smell) and something about it was making my head go off the wall. "I did it! I did it!" I'm ripped out of my thoughts by the sound of cheering and I look over to see that the young strain was jumping up and down in my lap excitedly before turning to me. "It goes here right?" she asked with a smile, her finger pointing to the puzzle and as I studied the piece in her hand and the puzzle I nodded my head reassuringly. "Yes, that's exactly where it goes" I assure her, watching as she smiled even more than before as I gently too her hand and guided it towards its designated spot, placing it in it's slot with her hand below mine. Both of our hands pulled back to admire our work only for my violet eyes to widen once more upon suddenly feeling a small hand grab mine and I look to see that it was none other than (Y/n) swiftly putting my hand back on top of her's. Wait...(Y/n)? Since when had I deemed it appropriate to call her that? But the more I thought about it the more I found myself wanting her name to roll of my tongue and see how it sounded out in the open air...and maybe...I could? My thoughts are put to the side once more as I felt my hand being moved, (Y/n) had picked up yet another puzzle piece. I moved my hand with hers a ssh studied it before hesitantly placing it as part of the puzzle but once I felt a small click I knew she had placed it in the right spot and the small victorious squeal that escaped her lips seconded my accusation. All of a sudden my chair creaks under the slow but sure movement of the (h/c) -haired strain on my lap leaning back, her back eventually resting on my chest, her (h/l) (h/c) hair brushing up against my cheek as my chin rested on her shoulder. But not for long. I quickly leaned back, trying my best for our bodies not to touch but the longer my brain struggled the more relaxed by body seemed to become until finally with her smell invading my senses I relaxed my muscles and let a sigh escape my lips. This...wasn't so bad. I hesitantly rested my chin on the young strains shoulder, waiting for negative movemnt but non came, instead I could feel the strains warm dy relax even further into mine. Our bodies pressed together, our scents filling the air, our hands linked together as they moved this way and that filling in pieces of the puzzle. I could feel my eyes start to blink slower and slower almost as if I was falling asleep from this perfect harmony and while my brain seemed to scream at me that this was far more than inappropriate my body seemed to never want this to end. But it did. My eyes open fully in surprise as the warmth and weight on my body suddenly left as the sound of my office door opening filled the room. "Captain, the results are in" Awashima said calmly, her actions and voice like they always were. Good, she hadn't seen a thing. "Yes, thank you" I say after clearing my throat, watching as she walked towards me and handed me a folder before standing in front of my desk. "Nothing seems out of the ordinary. Miss (L/n) is free to go. We even have offers to take her home" Awashima said and I only nodded in response. "Very well" I answered, my violet eyes flitting upwards toward the awkwardly smiling strain whose (f/c) and (e/c) eyes seem to scream of nervousness but yet...they looked sad at hearing the news. Did she even want to leave...? I shook my head slightly as I cleared my throat and set the folder down on my desk upon the scattered puzzle pieces before linking my fingers toegther and retsing my elbows on my desk, giving the (h/c)-haired strain a nod. "You're...free to go, you will be provided with a ride home" I say nonchalantly my eyes narrowing at how hard it seemed for the words to emerge from my throat. "O-oh thank you Reisi! Oh! I-I mean Mr. Munakata" she corrected herself, covering her mouth after she let out a nervous giggle that sent shivers down my spine but upon hearing my brain seemed to go numb and apparently so did my common sense. "Reisi is...appropriate as long as calling you (Y/n) is also deemed appropriate" I say, adding a small smirk at the end even though my violet eyes widened with regret. How could such nonsense leave my lips? "Really!?" she asked excitedly, leaning forward as she jumped up and down like a small child "Call me whatever you like, I don't mind!" she laughed, her (h/l) (h/c) hair bouncing with her movements. A single huff of air escaped me almost sounding like a chuckle "(Y/n) is just fine, it suits you" I compliment before waving my hand dismissively towards Awashima "Please make sure that (Y/n) is taken home immediately I do not wish to have a phone call with the red can discussing her stay" I say with a small sigh. Awashima nodded and saluted me "right away captain!" she lowered her hand and turned towards (Y/n) who was still standing by my side, her posture slouched as she tucked her hands inside her (f/c) jacket pockets "this way Miss (L/n)" Awashima said and I only watched as (Y/n) smiled slightly and gave her a small nod before walking towards her only turning back to give me a small wave and wide nervous smile. But before the two could reach the door it hit me. "Oh and one more thing" I said suddenly causing both women to turn towards me as I opened one of my desk drawers and pulled out a single blue packaged box. "This is for you" I said, handing the box to the curious strain who now stood in front of my desk with curious (f/c) and (e/c) eyes. "For me?" she repeated "for you" I said, my cheeks slowly starting to become hot again as I watched the young woman smile widely and clutch the gist to her chest before being respectively. "Thank you!" she said happily only for me to nod as I closed my eyes as if i was concentrating only to hear Awashima call the girls attention once more and my office door shutting. Then, and only then did I let out a sigh as I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Never once have I ever felt like that" I mumble to myself, reaching forward towards the field on my desk and dragging it in front of me "if that strain really is using a power I should know and put a stop to it" and with those words I opened the file only for my eyes to widen in slight shock as I read the information before me.

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