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Today's the day. The day I've been waiting for since I was a little kid, the day that means I can finally get out of this little town. It's graduation day, class of 2012 at Northwest Cabarrus High School.

I don't know about anyone else but I was so ready to get out of this little town, Kannapolis and move to Los Angeles. I am going to be attending UCLA and I couldn't be more excited. I got a scholarship to play softball out there.. it's been a dream to play for a NCAA, especially a team that's always been in the top 10.

"Hey baby.. you look stunning" I turned to the door in my room as my mom came in. "My little baby is all grown up" I felt her starting to tear up and cry on my shoulder as she held me.

"Don't cry, mom. It's not even time for the ceremony" I said with a chuckle trying not to cry. My mom's honestly such a great parent, I'm honestly blessed. I was raised by her until I was about 4 when she met my stepdad. They've been great to me, they made sure I had everything I want and more. My father was also in the picture but he lived down in Arizona so I only seen him summer, but he helped me a lot as well. Him and my stepmom provide as much for me as my mom and stepdad. It was like having 4 parents it was pretty great if I do say so myself.

"What time am I supposed to drop you off at the school Dre?" My stepdad asked walking in on his phone. "Wow, you look beautiful honey" I smiled.

"Actually Johnny's driving there he said he could pick me up if you'd guys like, so that you wouldn't have to drive back and forth." I said grabbing my phone. Johnny was my boyfriend, we'd been together since the summer after sophomore year. My parents adored him as much as I did. After tonight our life together is going to become fairly difficult. He had sworn into the Marines and was shipping out in 2 weeks and I was going to be in LA. But tonight wasn't about that, tonight was about our hard work for the past 4 years, and I intended to enjoy every minute.

"That'll be fine baby, it gives me a chance to get some pictures of you two" I smiled and nodded.

"He'll be here in 10 minutes he said, I'll let you know when he's here" my parents nodded and left to their room. I sat down on my vanity and starred in the mirror. This was it, one of my greatest achievements. Then my phone stopped playing my music and I looked at the screen. My bestfriend Corey was calling

A: Hey loser, what's up?
C: Just wanted to check in on you, ready for tonight?
A: You know I've been waiting for this moment since we were little
C: You never shut up about it
A: Hey! I'm just excited were getting out of this small town.
C: I'm so proud of you, I can't believe you did it
A: You're proud of me!? You're the one getting drafted into the majors. Can't say I'm suprised.
C: I know it's crazy I -"Corey are you ready?" I hear his mom ask
A: Put me on speaker!
C: Okay hold on.. okay go
A: Hi Jody!
J: Hi honey, I can't wait to see you tonight you stranger
A: Schools finally over I promise I'll visit soon, I'll see you guys tonight, I've got to go my rides here.
J: Okay bye sweetie, love you lots
A: Love you too
C: Alright I'll see you tonight, don't forget we gotta take our pictures
A: Of course, see you tonight.. bye.

Just as I hung up I got a text from Johnny that he was outside, I texted him to come out because my mom wants pictures. I raced down the stairs to open the door. "Hello beautiful, don't you look stunning" he said as he pecked my cheek.

"You don't look to bad yourself" I said chuckling. He rolled his eyes and shoved me. "Mom! He's here!!" I yelled as I walked out the door. We went outside, took our pics and we were on our way.

-----------------------------------------------------------------A/N- So I thought I'd try this out, I know I'm not the best but I'll continue to try to get better

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A/N- So I thought I'd try this out, I know I'm not the best but I'll continue to try to get better. Lemme know what you guys think so I can make this better, thank you. 💖

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