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After Corey left for baseball nothing exciting really happened, he's been moving through the system quickly. Right now he was playing in Oklahoma with the OKC Dodgers, one step away from majors. As for me, I was a year away from graduating and the team had made playoffs 2 years in a row but we always fell short. My stats had been looking really good, I got a lot of recognition by ESPN which was crazy to me. I got moved from 2nd base to short stop sophomore year and it was pretty fun.

Corey and I had been doing good, I missed him like crazy but he visited every month on the days he had off. We spent holidays back in Kannapolis with our families and we spent New Years together in LA for the last 3 years. He was really happy to be moving up in the minors system so quickly and I was very proud.

I had my last class today before spring break began and it was with my favorite professor, Dr.Chavez. "You ready for spring break?" Addison said as she plopped down in her seat next to mine. "Here I got you your iced coffee." I thanked her and continued to review my notes.

"Yes, I've been waiting for this, though I don't have any plans." I say as I push my hair behind my ear.

"You're not going to visit that fine boyfriend of yours?" She says wiggling her eyebrows.

"Just for this weekend," I say laughing at her, "I'll probably go visit my parents for the week and then come back home. Corey is playing baseball still and they're going on a two week road trip." Just as I finish, Dr.Chavez walked in.

"I've finished grading all your papers, some were better than others, but none were horrible," he says walking around to hand them back. "I'll give you a quiz today and once you're done, enjoy your spring break!" Everyone cheers and laughs as he hands back my paper. "Andrea, see me after class please." My heart sank for a minute because I swore I did good on this paper. I had an A in this class, Kinesiology was needed for Athletic training. I turned the paper over and seen I got an A on the paper so I was confused as to why I had to stay after.

I finished the quiz in less than 20 minutes because I had researched all of this for my paper. I closed my laptop and put my things away before walking down to his desk. "You wanted to speak to me?" I say handing him my quiz.

"Ah, yes, so Andrea you are my best student and I know you want to go into the Athletic training field. Well, I have a friend who is head trainer in Chicago for the Cubs. He needs an assistant trainer for a month or so, probably the length of spring break. Consider is an internship. I wanted to know if you'd like to go, it'll all be paid for and they'll fly you out in Monday morning. So are you in?" He says smiling.

"Wow, I mean, yes, I'd love to!" I say smiling, I was so honored. "Is there any way I can fly out from Oklahoma City, I'm flying out there tonight and I don't wanna miss the flight on Monday morning if I'm not back," I say hopeful they can pull some strings.

"Let me call him and I'll email you no later than 3 this afternoon, do great out there Mrs.Torres maybe they'll call you back after graduation," He said with a wink. I had felt accomplished, I was doing good enough to where my professor sent me to another state for work while I was still an undergrad. I quickly drove home after I grabbed something to eat, once I got there I changed into something more comfortable for my flight. I grabbed my bags for more clothes in case they sent me to Chicago from OKC. My spring break couldn't have started off better. I couldn't wait to tell Corey when I seen him.

I put my last bag in front of my door and heard my phone ring to notify me I got an email.

Dear Mrs.Torres

We are very pleased to have you join our trainer team this season. We will have someone pick you up from your location in Oklahoma and drive you to the airport, leave the rest to us, safe travels!

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