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I didn't think I would write in this after this letter
MN=me now

Dear g,
I didn't know how to start this letter but I'll try this way. I'm moving, I don't know where but I know we have to be out by 8-22-13 it's now 8-4-13. I've known since March but how do you bring up something like that to your best friend? I know a letter is cowardly but if I called you I would've cried I don't won't to do that. Being away from school so long, I never have to worry about how this person's feeling are hurt or things like that. So I've made life plans.(MN:oh god)
1. I want to pursue singing, I'll probably move to Nashville. I forgot to tell you my uncle r is moving to new Mexico, along with my aunt j the one who lives in Texas. My grandmother's moving to Texas. My aunt s is moving to s tropical southern state. It would be cool if we moved to Tennessee I'd be half way there,but I don't see that happening.(MN none of that happened)
2. I plan on(MN oh god) having five kids(MN what the heck) at least two girls other than that I don't care. I was also thinking of becoming a sergit , (MN still can't figure out how to spell it) because I feel bad for people who can't have kids. I hope I can have kids otherwise that there goes my plans. And I'd feel bad and most likely guilty.(MN slaps 13 year old me)
3 I plan on getting a summer house in Hay, Australia. I know my plans aren't average but I want what I want, I also plan on visiting Hobbiton New Zealand sometime.(MN I can't deal)
4 I'd like to get married sometime,but at the same time I don't care. I mean marriage is just a piece of paper that means the state sees you as a couple. And it cost a lot of money too.
5 I want 2 dogs a Rottweiler and a Australian Shepherd or a bloodhound. I'd name them frodo and Boris maybe Bentley.(MN 13 year old me sucks)
6. This one's small but hard ish I have become a NASCAR fan so I want to go to a race.by the way my team would be Jeff Gordon, Tony Stewart, Dale Earnhart jr maybe Scott speed also maybe almondinger.
I really miss you all I wish the best for you. I hope you move where you you want, have as many kids as you want, and see the world. Remember me and remember to pursue your dreams, fight for what you believe and never give up, never give in and don't back down(MN that last part is song lyrics). What you think about yourself matters twice as much as much as what as what anybody else says or thinks. You can read this letter to anyone of our friends you want. Tell Ellie I miss her,and I might know where she lives (MN we talked, I don't) Lupe I miss her, and I drive by her house often, not on purpose but it happens. Tell Alexis I miss her,and I think about her opinions sometimes. Matthew I feel sorry about his leg and I kinda know how he feels. Grace you and Emma where my first friends in 5th grade,so I feel closer to you and I can trust you more. it's not that I can't trust them but you I know better, Lupe to but it's just I know you better you understand don't you? I'm tired of explaining it. Also have you seen the Budweiser commercial with the guy and the horses it was good (MN I think it is this one my phone ran out of Internet I'll check later). I think it reminds me of everyone we're friends for a long time, I leave but I'll come back.

I've started writing songs. But I don't know if there good. so yeah. It's sad my grandma could have died three times in the last couple months(MN I think I'll write more about this later), so tell everyone to tell there grandparents how much they love them before it's too late. Thinking about it is making me want to cry. Well bye for a while.
Love for all attorney,
My name.

PS. I got a four wheel drive pick-up truck it's red and white, I got it for brithmas 2012-2013. I want to stay in touch with you and everyone of are friends.
I hope no one thinks differently about me because of my thoughts on marriage. I could take up the rest of this book with how sad it's gonna be and how much I miss you all,but I already signed off and I think that you know. So this is good bye,no not goodbye not bad bye it's...
See you sooner or later, your everything good friend, if that makes sense, don't know how to sign off, so all y'all BFF , my name
(MN *slaps self slowly dragging hand down face*)

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