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Humans are most unpredictable. Their actions, and feelings - Cant be messed with. People change with time - its our general behavior. But is this everything? We live our lives everyday, but do we ask for once - what living a life really is? Why is it that we have no answers to simple questions like what life really is, or what time is. The Earth is a tiny tiny dust of ball, but yet to us it looks massive, bigger than anyone of us. Is it not enough to make us feel small? But who cares, right? Who cares if you're small when you have chicks to hang out with in your very own Lamborghini? Our life - though merely puny, still finds its joys in the smallest of things that just result in one thing - the death of the universe. Now you may be wondering - if the universe has to die out ultimately, whats the point of all of this? This question is a good one, for human psychology but the answer can be cleared with a simple metaphor - Why do you live your life when you have to die one day.

Now if you're wondering why are these questions put onto the 'introduction' section of this book, well to be honest with you, i dont know. No one does. Thats what the book is thus about - the mysteries of life and time. And everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2016 ⏰

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