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~15 years later~

I wake up and look at the window. I smile. Sun again. I love sunny days. I get up and move the white curtains away from the window and open the window. I feel the nice cool spring air hitting my skin. It feels good. I feel someone putting their arms around me and rubbing my belly. "How's kid number two?" Jason asks. 

"Fine. And kid number one is at my mom's so we have the house to ourselves." 

"Later Sophie. I have work today, remember?" He kisses me on the cheek and walks to the bathroom. I hear him turn on the shower. 

Let me update you on everything. When I was 21 and Jason was 22 we got married. When I was 25 we had our first kid, Layla. Now, I'm 31 and having my second kid. We still don't know if it's a boy or girl. For work, Jason works as a very successful doctor. As for me, I work as owner of my own fashion company. Our house is huge. It has six bedrooms, a big living room, a fancy dining room, a gourmet kitchen, a home theatre, three full bathrooms, an outdoor pool and hottub, and we even have a husky named Anook. Life is good for us.

I still haven't forgotten about Dan or the day I was raped. Jason and I still have physical and mental scars. But we try to forget about that day as much as possible.

I go into the hallway and walk down the hall, pass the living room, and walk onto the balcony. I look at the ocean and take in the fresh air of spring. All I can say now is my life seems almost perfect. That would be if I didn't see Dan on my balcony with me. 

Things might turn bad again.

The End

That's it. Sorry this wasn't the best story but I hope you somehow liked it and please vote! I have this new story I'm working on "The World of the Undead" and you should read it, I've been told it's really good! Well that's all I gotta say so BYE!

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