Where'd she go?

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"Ugh, its only the last day of September. I just wanna graduate already." I said. ( It was a friday after school and Meagan came over to my house, then to the park. )

"Me too, at least its still warm out." Meagan said. We were walking to the park. We were going to go into the woods part by the train. We had to climb through a hole in the fence.

"Ughhh so much work," Meagan said while climbing in the fence.

" Yeah," I said while climbing in after her. " I heard there used to be rapists here and stuff. Why did we decide to come in here anyways."

"I dont know, it seems cool. Maybe we'll find weird things," She said. I nodded. The train started moving and made loud noises. It was one of those old trains that carried things on it.

"Wow, this is loud!" I screamed to Meagan. No answer.

"Meagan, you hear me?!"

No answer. I turn in circles about ten times and don't see my best friend anywhere.

"Stop playing games, come out. This place creeps me out. I want to leave already." I said.

No answer.

"Okay.. well I'll see you at my house in ten minutes. You better be there, im not kidding!" I said while getting out the fence. Little did I know I wouldnt be seeing my best friend in 10 minutes.

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