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The second I walked in the door,I ran to my mirror to see how bad the bleeding was. It had stopped,but I had alot of cuts and could tell I'd have some bruises. I took out my cell and called Meagans mom. I told her what happened,and she decided on calling the cops to tell them about the guy attacking me and to report Meagan missing. I went back to the mirror. I looked at my long brown hair. It was dirty from being on the ground,I needed a shower.

"Lynn! Why do you look like that?!?!"My mom screamed as she walked through the door,home from work.

"well...."I explained to her everything. She walked over and hugged me.

"Don't worry hon,everything will be fine. They'll find her. Now go shower,you stink." My mom was never the perfect mom,but she could be okay at times.

After I had ate and took a shower,as I was brushing my hair,I decided I would get revenge. On whoever has Meagan. I'd do everything I can to find her,alive. I'm not gonna be a baby and just let the cops do it. No I'm not. Cause sometimes they give up,but I won't. I promise myself I won't give up. I promise Meagan. I'm going to get revenge.

(Sorry it's so short! The next chapter will be longer )

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