Chapter 1

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Josh stepped inside his house and closed the door behind him. He threw his bag down on the wooden floor and continued his walked into the kitchen to get some food. He grabbed an apple and continued his walk to his room, ready to relax.
School had been rough this week and he was ready to just calm down a bit. He really wanted to hang with someone, but it seemed like most of his 'friends' abandoned him when his father was sent of to jail. Supposedly, they didn't want to hang out with 'a guy like him'. But Josh didn't mind that much. Those guys were assholes and he liked being alone.

His hand moved forwards to the door knob, and opened the door as he took a bite out of his apple. As soon as the door was open he almost got a heart attack. There was a stranger in his bed. Or, one of the beds. All of a sudden there were two beds in the room. He looked at the guy just sitting there with an awkward smile on his face.

"Who the hell are you?!", Josh asked as he fast swallowed his apple bite.

"Me? You know who I am", the boy said.

"No, I don't", Josh said a little pissed off.

"Haven't your mother told you?", he asked.

"What?", Josh asked.

"Josh! You're home so soon!", his mother said as she walked down the hall towards his son.

"Mom, who's this?", he asked and pointed at the boy on the bed.

"Um... yeah, I need to tell you something I should've told you a while ago", she said with a fake smile.

Josh looked confused at his mother and looked at the boy. The boy gave him a small and awkward smile. Josh's mother grabbed Josh's arm and gently dragged him into the kitchen. She closed the door behind them. As soon as the door was closed she sighed and tried to think of what to say. She turned around to face her confused son and gave him a small smile.

"You should sit down sweetie...", she said.

Slowly Josh sat down, remembering that the last time she said something like that, he got the news about his father going to jail.

"Um... I've found a guy..... his name is Chris, and he's really sweet. He's nice, kind, caring, loving and just and amazing person. And, well.... I'm in love with him. He's got a lot of money, which means that we can keep the house", she said, "So he's moving in. With his son"

"What? What about dad?!", Josh asked hurt.

"Things are tough Josh, I can't wait for your dad to get back", she answered a little stern.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? How long have this been planned?!", he asked slightly angry and stood up from his chair.

"It's been planned for a few weeks, and I was going to tell you, but it was really hard. So I decided to tell you today when you got home from school, but you got home really early"

Josh sighed annoyed, sat down and burried his face in his hands. He ran his hands through his hair and closed his eyes, trying to think about the situation. A few moments passed before his mom spoke:

"I know this is hard", she walked closer to him, "I know it will be strange with a step dad and step brother, but just try it out for a month or two", she placed a hand on his shoulder, "If you don't like it we will go back to the way it was before", she said with a small smile on her face.

Josh sighed once more and looked up at his mom as he removed his hands from his hair.

"Fine, I will try it out", he said with a small smile.

His mom squealed of happiness and hugged him. He laughed at her reaction and hugger her back. After a few seconds he broke the hug and looked his mother in the eyes with a warm smile

"So, tell me the boy's name", he said

"His name is Tyler, and he's 16, the same age as you"

"Really?", Josh asked, "Huh. Well, I hope we get along then"

"I do too", his mother said and gave her son one more hug.

The door opened and inside came a man Josh had never seen before. He had black hair with a hint of grey, had really expensive clothes on, yellow teeth and some wrinkles.

"Is that the Josh you've been talking about?", the man asked.

"You must be Chris", Josh said faking a smile, already disliking the person infront of him.

"Come here boy!", he said with a smile, "Let me shake your hand! I need to start on a good note with my new son"

Josh laughed a fake laugh and walked over to Chris. He shook his strong hand and looked him directly in his eyes. Chris' eyes were dark brown. Almost so dark, they were pure black. There was something off about his eyes, which ment there was something off about him. Because the eyes are the window to the soul. That's something Josh's dad taught him before he went to jail.

"Tyler! Come out here!", Chris shouted.

Faster than lightning Tyler appeared to Josh's left with a small smile on his face.

"This is my son, Tyler", he said and put a hand around Tyler's shoulders.

Tyler flinched a little by his father's touch, but fast faked a smile. Josh thought it was a little strange, but didn't think more of it.

"I believe you will become good friends", Chris said with a smile and moved a bit away from Tyler, "Now, since we're living together now we gotta change a few things"

"What kinds of things?", Josh asked.

"Well, mostly what you eat", he answered, "We're going to take away what isn't good for ya'"

He opened the cabinets and got out all that was sweet. He did the same with the fridge. He placed it all on the kitchen table. Reese's, snickers, soda, marshmellows, sugar, caramel, red bull, everything was there. Josh just drooled by looking at it.

"Now, sweets aren't good for young boys like you, so we're putting those in the trash", he said.

He got out a big bag and got all the candy inside it. Josh stood there with open mouth as all the sweets fell down the bag. Chris grabbed the bag and slung it over his shoulder. He then walked outside, threw it in the trash and got back inside. Josh was still shocked about how he could do this. They'd spent a lot of money on those things, and he just threw it all away like it wasn't worth a penny.

"Now, me and Lauren are gonna talk a little, so just stay out here and get to know eachother"

He grabbed Lauren's hand and they both walked out in the garden. They left Josh with Tyler. They both just stood there awkwardly, trying not to make eye contact. After a few moments of silence, Tyler walked into their room without a word. Josh just sat down on the couch and tried to think about all that had happened the last 20 minutes.

A/N This is my first Joshler fanfic. It's actually inspired by a play I saw. I hope you're enjoying it so far!

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