Chapter 3

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"Where the hell have you been?!", Chris asked pissed off.

"Out", Josh answered calmly.

"Out where?!"

Tyler was standing right behind Josh in fear of what would happen. Josh understood that he was scared and didn't question it.

"Down in the forest"

"Tyler is NOT allowed to leave the house without promission! It's dangerous!"

"I was with him the whole time", Josh said calmly.

Chris sighed annoyed, closed his eyes and rubbed his temples.

"Go to your room. I don't wanna see you for the rest of the night"

Josh grabbed Tyler's arm carefully and walked into their room. They sat down on their beds and Josh sighed as he layed down.

"God, what a pain in the ass", he said.

"Don't say that! He can hear you!", Tyler whispered.

"So?", Josh asked without a care in the world.

Josh grabbed a football he had laying around and threw it from one hand to another. It's something he does when he's bored or pissed off.

"He will get mad", Tyler answered.

"I don't care", Josh said still looking at the ball, throwing it from hand to hand.

"I care"

He looked over at Tyler and saw that he was dead serious. Tyler would be scared and far from happy if Josh kept on making Chris angry. He didn't want Tyler to be scared, but he didn't want Chris to act like a douch and get away with it either. He looked back at his ball and sighed once more. He licked his lips and thought for a few seconds.

"Alright, I will try not to make him mad, but that's just because I like your jokes", Josh laughed and looked over at Tyler, "And if you're scared you won't be able to tell them"

A smile grew on Tyler's face and he felt happy inside. It's been a while since he'd felt that feeling.

"Thanks, it means a lot"

They looked eachother in the eyes and they both felt warm and loved.

"Welp, we should probably go to bed, it's really late", Josh said and broke eye contact.

"You're right", Tyler agreed.

They walked to the bathroom and began to brush their teeth.

Step Brothers | Joshler (UNDER EDITING)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora