Chapter 8

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"What's your dad like?", Tyler asked.

Again, they were laying on the wooden floor and stared up at the roof.

"He's really awesome. He knows a lot of different stuff and is really help full. He has a big imagination and can make the best jokes. He doesn't know what to do with his life, which makes him the way he is", Josh answered, "How is your dad? I never really talk to him much...."

Tyler breathed in and out slowly, debating on if he should say something or not. He decided to tell Josh the truth. He'd been hiding it for so long.

"He's-", he got cut off:

"My father is and asshole because he won't let me borrow his car"

They both got up and looked at the hatch. It was Brendon, with a big smile on his face. Josh looked at him with a small smile even thought a little anger went through him. Tyler smiled at Brendon too, but had worry inside him.

"Why are you talking about fathers?", he asked as he got inside the treehouse.

"How did you find us?", Tyler asked trying to avoid the question.

"I could hear you talk, even though you were many feet up", he laughed, "Now, answer the question"

"What question?", Tyler asked trying to give Brendon a signal.

"Why were you talking about fathers?"

"I was just wondering how his father is. Like, mine is pretty weird. Gets pissed when we're out late, doesn't let us have sweets AT ALL", Tyler answered.

"And, he-", Tyler cut Brendon off again:

"Oh! We brought red bull!", Tyler said with a smile.

He got up from where he was and ran over to Josh's bag. He was in such a big rush he lost his grip right over the open hatch. The bag fell down to the ground with a loud thud.

"Shit...", Tyler said with wide eyes.

Both Brendon and Josh laughed at Tyler, while he was trying to hide a blush.

"Don't worry, I'll go and get them!"

Josh got up and began to climd down the ladder. When he was half way down Tyler grabbed Brendon's shirt and looked him straight in the eyes.

"Don't. Tell. Him.", Tyler said.

"Tell him about what?", he asked.

Tyler gave him a 'you-know-what-I'm-talking-about' glare. Brendon sighed and broke eye contact for a second.

"He will find out sooner or later, you know? It's better to just tell him so he doesn't find out like I did", Brendon said.

"I will, I just have to wait a little longer. He's the best person I've ever met, and if I tell him everything might go wrong"

"Okay, but you have to tell him soon, or I will"

A bag was thrown up through the hatch and soon after came Josh. Tyler fast let go of Brendon and they acted like nothing had happened. By the happy look on Josh's face, it was clear he hadn't heard anything of what they'd been talking about.


Josh and Brendon got along pretty well, which was nice since Tyler liked them both. Josh kinda lost the jealosy he had before, but he still didn't like when Brendon was too close. He didn't understand why, but he didn't want Tyler to be hugged or even touched by anyone else but him. Day soon turned into night and they needed to get back. They said goodbye to Brendon and made their way back home. They met Chris, and he asked the same questions as always, just a little more pissed.

"Where were you?!"


"Out where?!"

"The forest"

As always Josh grabbed Tyler's hand and dragged him inside their bed room. They closed and locked the door behind them and sat down on Tyler's bed. They were sitting next to eachother as Josh sighed loudly.

"Why can't he understand that I will answer the same shit if he asks the same questions?", Josh asked annoyed.

"It's just the way he is", Tyler answered calmly.

"He's an asshole. It's like everytime I try to talk to him he looks at me like I'm the devil himself!"

"That's because he hates everything I love", Tyler spoke without thinking.

Josh's eyes widened and Tyler's did the same. Josh slowly moved his head towards Tyler and tried to look at his face, but Tyler burried his hands in his face. Tyler fast regretted he had spoken at all and just stared at the wall in front of them and tried not to make eye contact. His heart beated fast as Josh moved a little closer.

"You love me?", Josh asked with a small smile.

"Yeah, I mean, you're my step brother", Tyler answered and faced Josh, "Of course I love you, I mean..."

He met Josh's eyes and it was like he couldn't look away. Josh kept giving Tyler's lips small glances as a smile grew on his face. Tyler was a little freaked out by the situation. He broke eye contact with Josh and moved away from him.

"Just forget I said anything. It doesn't mean much anyways. It's not like what I feel is important, I don't really care mu-", Tyler was cut off by Josh grabbing his shirt.

Fast Josh pressed his lips against Tyler's. His eyes widened in surprize and looked at Josh's closed eyes like they were open. As Josh leaned more in Tyler moved further back. But soon he got used to Josh's lips on his and kissed back. He closed his eyes and felt Josh's hands on Tyler's cheek's, cupping his face. Their kiss soon became a make out session, and it could've gone further if it wasn't for the banging at the door.

"What are you doing in there?!", Chris shouted, "Open up!"

Tyler fast pushed Josh of him and dried his lips. Josh did the same. He slowly got up and opened the door to reveal his pissed of father staring straight at him.

"What was going on in there?!", he asked.

"Nothing, w-why?", Tyler asked.

"It was really quiet. You guys are never quiet"

"W-we just didn't talk much th-that's all"


Tyler closed the door and locked it again. He sighed in relif and closed his eyes as he leaned his head against the door. When he felt a pair of eyes staring at him he opened them up and looked over at his bed. Josh was sitting there with a smile on his face admiring Tyler.

"Why are you looking at me?"

"No reason"

"Okay...", Tyler said with a confused smile, "You know I only ment I love you in a brother way, right?"

"Yes", Josh answered.

"Then why did you kiss me?"

"Why did you kiss back?"

"Touché....", Tyler said with a small smile, "Okay, but, let's just forget all this ever happened, it was a mistake"

"Yeah, you're right...", Josh said with hurt in his voice, "Let's just forget"

Josh got up and walked over to his own bed. He got himself under the covers and closed his eyes.

"Good night"

"Good night", Tyler said and turned off the lights.

He got himself under the covers and tried to think of something else than what just happened. But no matter how much he tried the thought of Josh's lips on his would not leave. That's the last thought he had in his mind before he fell asleep.

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