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Ced opened his eyes to see a girl staring at him. Although his vision was blurry, he could clearly see her shining sprite like green eyes.

"Who are you ?" Ced asked, steadying himself.

" Your faerie in shining armour." she said haughtily, "Nice to meet you too."


Hazel gawked at her. Never had she seen such a being in the entirety of her life. Her beauty was heavenly , if heavenly could suffice.

Her cold green eyes were like a layer of frost on a tender, young leaf. Her freckled cheeks glowed with a sudden soft pink, contrasting with the extreme paleness of her complexion. Her skin was like sheets of ice on her flesh ; its translucence barely concealed the labyrinth of bluish green veins underneath. Her hair was a shocking auburn.

She was winter, with a tinge of autumn.

Cindy stepped forward and bowed to the girl. " I am Cindy , descendant of Cinderella. This is my brother , Cedron ."

" I am Hazel Smith." Hazel smiled.

" From the house of ?" , Amber enquired .

" No one. Err, not no one. I am a human."

" Seriously ? I've heard stories about them , humans." the girl said, her eyes flickering with amusement, " I am Amber Frost and I am sure that you have heard tales about my kind."

" What are you ?" Hazel asked curiously and instantly cursed her own bluntness.

"Oh, how can you be so naive, Hazel. She is a faerie." Ced said.

" So what if she is a fairy ?"

" She is not the Cinderella's fairy godmother type. She's a f-a-e-r-i-e."

" Oh."

Hazel knew what faeries were. They were notorious creatures blessed with the powers of deception, who often caused trouble. Naturally, they were not as popular as their fairy counterparts, who used their magical powers to aid fantasy folks.

" Ahem !" Amber interrupted , " In case you have forgotten , I am standing right here and unluckily for you, I am not deaf."

"Splendid." Ced said, rolling his eyes.

" Ced, she helped us escape the inn." Cindy said, indignant.

"I know that." Ced said.

" Yes." Cindy said, " We might owe our lives to her. So, could you please be ..."

" Grateful ?" Amber offered.

" Yes." Cindy agreed.

" Thank you." Ced said and walked away.

" I am sorry." Cindy sighed.

" You don't need to be." Amber assured.

" I guess, we should not delay further and get going now ..." Hazel stopped mid-sentence , taking her head in her hands as a piercing ache shot through it.

Not a good time for migraine.

The pain grabbed hold of her nerves, clutching them harder; everything around spun rapidly.

" Are you alright ?" Amber asked worried. Cindy caught Hazel before she could fall onto the ground.

" I am just ..dizzy. Let me lie down for a minute and I'll be ..."

The oculus let in the heavenly light.

The lady snored lightly, sitting on the rocking chair ; a silver tiara upon her moonlit hair and an eerie calm about her. She let out a yawn , so gentle that it made Hazel sigh.

She smiled at her, soothing waves of blue rippling in her eyes. They seemed to wash over Hazel, bringing along a comforting sensation.

" Oh , I see you're here ! What took you so long ? I've been napping for what seems like a hundred years now, waiting for you !"

She stared at Hazel. " Finally, I must witness it !" she said , " Mon Dieu !" Her eyes flickered to a bright orange of amusement.

Mon Dieu , indeed !

" Who are you ?" Hazel said.

" Don't you know already ? I thought the hint was subtle enough ." she winked at Hazel , a tinge of mischievousness colouring her gaze .

Hazel was speechless. "Your Majesty, why are we here?"

The Queen's eyes turned a grim grey. Images of battle , brutality , blood and despair reflected in them.

"It is upon us ,my girl . The war has just begun and isn't ending soon. We have a long way to go and the path isn't straight. We must be prepared to face the worst."

" How ?"

" An enemy awaits , dear girl , much stronger than the ones you have come across. I am afraid that your present skills are not sufficient to defeat her."

" Then what am I to do ?" Hazel asked.

" You are the one , the one with sight. You ask me what you already know . You seek what you have. It lies within you. I can see it and so must you."

" But why can't you tell me when you already know ?" she asked.

"Somethings are your own to find . Some virtues cannot be fetched, only gained."

Hazel nodded.

" I must leave now. My blessings and prayers are with you, dear. May Cindy succeed in her quest."

" You know that she is innocent, don't you ? Why do you not tell the Council? They will believe you." Hazel asked, almost hopefully.

" I wish they would." the Queen sighed, " I wish they would . Law clashing with prophecy is not always a pleasant sight. The law , believes in the institution of proof ,not the unseen."

Hazel agreed.

"It's time to bid farewell ,Hazel ."

" I have been dreaming this, haven't I ?" Hazel asked.

The foreteller smiled.

" We both have been."



This chapter is to the ultimately crazy ,gone totally gaga , too weird for her own good and bearing with the normal human population , coz she's too a-ca-awesome for them girl , who happens to be my best friend . Fieryme !!

(Friendly warning : don't ever bump into her . She gives people serious inferiority complex )

Anyway , she somehow managed to make me write a character on her nd I agreed (was not easy for her ) . So , no surprises , Amber is a character heavily inspired by her .

Do I even need to say that cliché 'I love you bestie '?!

I might be crazy , but she is crazier . So yeah .

Btw , how did you guys like Amber ? Do come up with suggestions and opinions , if any .

May the stars watch over you

Bookworm .

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