chapter four

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She puts her pijamas and gets under the warm covers, snuggling close to her wife. Taylor was reading something, and her face was literally concentrated on the book. She had her glasses on, and Karlie thought it was really cute. "Hi," she whispers. The taller girl places her arm around Taylor's abdomen, and pulls her closer by the waist. The blond turns around with a little and shy smile.

"Hello," she whispers back. Karlie kisses the tip of her nose, then she puts her head on her shoulder and closes her eyes, relaxing.

"What are you reading?" she asks quietly.

"Nothing too exciting," Taylor replies.


There's a comfortable silence between them, and Karlie can hear Taylor closing the book and placing it in the bed side table. The shorter girl cuddles close to the brunette, and Karlie places her head on top of Taylor's. "I love you," she whispers quietly. "Tomorrow I want to take you and Isobel to the zoo," she adds with a smile.


"Yeah, I feel like I own that to her, to you,"

Taylor smiles and kisses Karlie's cheek, rubbing her nose shortly after. "Thank you," she says.

"So do yoy think it's a good idea? Do you think she'll like it?" she asks nervously.

"Of course she will,"


The taller girl turns off the lights, and just when she was about to fall asleep, Taylor whispers, "Karlie?"


"I love you, too,"


"Mommy! Look! Giraffes!"

The little girl starts jumping up and down, pointing to different animals and screaming their name at the same time. Karlie laughs, as she squeezes her wife's hand. "Taylor, look, it's me," she giggles, making Taylor giggle too.

"You know, that's my sister," Karlie jokes, pointing to one of the tallest giraffe. Isobel looks at her with wide eyes.

"Really?" she asks surprised but excited. "and what's her name?"

"Rachel," Karlie says, saying the first name who popped up on her mind. "She's five years old but she's alredy tall," she adds.

"Why is she your sister? Isn't she an animal?" Isobel asks, now clear confusion was on her face.

"Yeah, but we're kind of related, somehow," she replies, trying hard to keep herself from laughing but failing when hearing Taylor giggle behind her.

"Oh," Isobel says. "So I'm a giraffe, too?" she asks.

"Kind of," Taylor replies for the taller girl. She kneels down in front of her daughter, and cupping her face in her hands, she kisses her forehead. "You are a special one, though,"

Karlie smiles at them. "Let's go, girls, we still have a lot of animals to see!"


Later that evening, while Taylor was sleeping in their bedroom for a nap, Karlie walks down the stairs quietly, and finds Isobel lying on the couch, watching a cartoon on TV. She remembers when months ago she walked in, the same cartoon playing, and she said horrible things to her.

"Hey, beautiful," she greets her with a wide grin.

Isobel turns around and suddenly she shuts the television off. "Hi," she greets her shyly.

Karlie sits beside her, and she wraps an arm around her waist, pulling her on her lap. The little girl places her head on her shoulder, and plays with her mom's fingers. With her right hand occupied, she strokes Isobel's hair with her left hand. She places a soft kiss on the top of her head, and closes her eyes. At this hour, six months ago, she would have probably been in a bar, drinking and getting drunk. She remembers how one night she came home to Isobel crying, because neither of her mommies were home. She remembers how she picked up Isobel in her arms, and locked the little girl in her room. She didn't know what she was doing, she was drunk, but she will always remember the fight she had with Taylor the next morning. Her wife screamed at her, throwing things in her direction, while Karlie was only repeating how sorry she was. Six months ago, she would have been crying on the floor for something that happened nine years ago.

Now, she regrets every mistake she has done for the past years.

"I'm so sorry," she whispers, and she realizes how tight her throat was. "I'm so sorry, Izzie," she repeats. She pulls away, wanting to look at the girl in the eye.

"For what, mommy?" Isobel quietly asks. She looks confuses by Karlie's tears.

"For everything. I'm sorry for how I treated you the past nine years, but now I'm a better mom, I promise," she smiles. Isobel dries the tear that accidentally fell from her eye, and she kisses her cheek. Isobel hugs her close, while Karlie keeps saying, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Izzie,"

After a while, she pulls away, ans strokes Isobel's cheek gently and softly.

"You look like her," she says, holding the little girl in her arms. "You have her beautiful eyes, her little smug smile. Her hair. I'm sure, when you grow up, you will steal a lot of hearts, just like your mother did,"

"She stole yours, too?"

Karlie smiles. "Yeah, but I was the first one who stole hers,"


Years later

"Mom, it's just college, c'mon,"

"I know, honey, but we're still going to miss you like crazy,"

"I'll miss you, too,"

Taylor squeezes Karlie's hand as they stare at their now grown up daughter. Her icy blue stare is almost intimidating, but her soft features make her look like an angel; she looked just like Taylor.

"Okay, you have to go," Karlie says, and she offers Isobel a hug. The girl gladly accepts it, and she holds her daughter in her arms tight.

"I love you, Izzie, just know that," she whispers.

"I know, mom, I love you too," she replies with a little smile.

Taylor hugs her too, and they both watch her walk away from them. "Dammit," Taylor whispers, looking at Karlie. "She grew up so fast, my God," she continues. They watch Isobel as she makes little conversation with a group of girls, and they smile at each other.

"I'm really proud of her," Taylor says quietly, and as she looks at her wife with loving eyes, she adds, "and I'm so proud of you, too,"

Karlie looks at her, her gaze falling quickly to her lips, and she leans in to kiss her softly and gently. "Thank you,"

"For what?"

"For standing by my side when I needed you the most," she replies, squeezing her hand a little tighter.

"Always," Taylor says almost immediately.

Karlie pecks her lips softly again, and says in a whisper, "Always."


A/N: so I hope you liked this little idea! Right now I'm currently writing another idea, and when I will finish writing about three/four chapters I will upload the story! As always, tell me what you think in the comments below. Love you all

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