Chapter Four: I Get Claimed

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of cheerful chattering. "Oh good, you're awake. I'm Mandy, by the way," the girl from dinner last night said.

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and sat up. "Thanks for getting me these pajamas. They're really comfy."

Mandy smiled. "Glad you think so. Oh, did you hear the news?"

I shook my head.

"Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase are visiting camp today. Do you know who they are?"

I shook my head and grabbed the clothes out from under my pillow. "Not a clue."

"Well, when you see them, you'll know."

The dining hall was full of excited chatter. Everyone, including Chiron, seemed excited about the arrival of Percy and Annabeth.

A girl with an explosion of curly red hair, a Bronyx Zoo shirt, and paint-splattered jeans slid next to me and stuck out a pale freckled hand. "Hi! My name is Rachel Elizabeth Dare. I'm the Oracle here at Camp Half-Blood."

I shook her hand. "I'm Hailey. And...what's an Oracle?"

Rachel smiled, her greens eyes seeming to get more vibrant. "Oh, I usually see the future, tell prophecies, and stuff like that. I also go to a really boring prep school, but right now i'm on winter break."

"Is your dad founder of Dare Enterprises?" I asked, stabbing a piece of bacon with my fork.

"Sadly. I hate it. Well, Hailey, it's been a pleasure meeting you. I hope you get claimed soon."

"Uh, thanks..," I trailed off as she walked over to Chiron.

After breakfast, Mandy led me over to the Big House, which turned out to be a blue-painted farm house. Chiron was waiting for us. "Ah, good. Hailey, here's your schedule. Since you are unclaimed, you will have all activities with the Hermes cabin. However, once you are claimed, you will be following that cabin's schedule."

I nodded and took the paper he handed me. "Thanks."

"Mr. D will be returning soon. Perhaps then you can meet him."

I shrugged, ten followed Mandy off the porch. I read the paper. "Sword fighting?"

Her eyes gleamed. "Yeah, but first we have to get you a sword."

We walked across camp to the armory. Along the way I saw a climbing wall that had lava, satyrs playing against Will's cabin in the volleyball pit, naiads talking to campers as they rowed their canoes, nymphs growing strawberries, a few and people practicing archery.

"So this is where you'll get your armor and sword. Any magical items, like flying shoes, can't be found here. Let's take a look, see what you fancy."

We tried quite a few swords, but some were too heavy, while others didn't feel right. Mandy got an odd expression in her eyes. "Maybe..."

"Maybe what?" I demanded.

She came back with a bronze sword wrapped in leather. It had an intricate design around the handle. "Try this."

I picked it up and swung it around. "Perfect."

Mandy gave me another odd look and a sheath. Once I sheathed the sword, it shrunk to the size of a bracelet charm. "Cool!"

"That sword...I was friends with it's last owner," Mandy said, and began to leave the dark armory.

I followed her, my hand firmly grasped around the charm. "Who's was it?"

"One of the Aphrodite head councilors. Her name was Silena. Silena Beauregard. Her boyfriend, Charles Becandorf, made it for her."

"What happened to them?"

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