Chapter 4

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****Chapter 4****

**Steffi's POV**

Oh my god there's that cute guy that was the hospital because of Lara!

"Anna what's that boy's name again?"

"Oh the curly haired one or the other one?"

"The cuter one. Not curly."

"Oh his name is Louis"

Louis isn't that name just perfect? Yes it is.

"Anna is that you?" I hear a familiar voice say.

"Harry!" She screams as she hugs the curly haired boy.

"Ah calm down Anna!" He screamed as he fell. Anna hugged him so hard that he fell to the ground. Wow nice job Anna.

"Sorry.." She said smiling at the ground -A/N: See why I did there? huh huh?-

"Oh let me introduce you to my sister Stephanie, but everybody calls her Steffi."

She said while I waved at the boys

"Why hello Steffi! I'm Harry and this is Louis!"

"Hello Harry and Louis."

"Oh Harry?" Anna said.

"I didn't get your number yesterday.. I wanted to know if I could have it?"

"Of course little one and give it to your cousin Lara too."

"Okay well see you guys around!"

"Oh Steffi!" Louis screamed before we left.

"Yes Louis?" I answered hoping it was what I wanted.

"Here's my number to call me, beautiful." I felt so happy inside that I almost started jumping of happiness.

"Why thank you Louis!" I answered as calmly as I could.

"You can call me Lou from now on, babe." Now I was probably dead.

**Lara's POV**

Oh my God I was so tired. Where are Anna and Steffi?

"How are you feeling?" Mary asked.

"Terrible." I answered.

"IM HOME PEOPLE!" I heard Anna scream. Oh how that girl gives me a headache..

"Actually we're home and Anna could you stop screaming you're giving all of us a headache." I heard Steffi say. Now I had my eyes closed.

"Could you scream any louder Anna? I don't think Croatia heard you!" Mary said. Oh Mary. Always has a comeback for something.

"What's a Croatia?" Anna asked probably being stupid on purpose. I hope.

"It's a place near Rome, Anna. It's a place near Rome." Mary answered. How does she have so much patience with Anna? I can sense the ignorance in her voice but she does it so calm though.

"So what do you guys wanna do today?" I hear Steffi say. "I'm gonna go call Harry!" Anna said almost tempting. Wait... Harry! "Hey Anna, when did you get Harry's number again?" Hoping i could fool her into telling me. "I got it today but I didn't wanna tell Lara... wait oops.."

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