Chapter 8

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****Chapter 8****

***The House***

**Louis' POV**

I knocked on the door and waited until it was answered. There stood a puffy-eyed Steffi.

"Steffi what's wrong?" I said pulling her into a hug.

"It's nothing." She said sniffling a little, then gave a reassuring smile.

"Anna, you gonna be okay there alone?" She said looking back trying to hide her face.

"Yeah I'll be okay! Tia Diana said she'd be home in a few minutes. She just texted me." Anna answered.

I think Steffi felt more calm knowing that their aunt would be back soon.

"So let's get going Steffi!" I said as she closed the door and I stuck my arm out.

She took it and we walked down the hall to my car.

***Zayn's House**

**Mary's POV**

The pizza came after like 30 minutes. I was pretty hungry but I tried to look ladylike, so I waited.

"Are you trying to act ladylike?" Zayn asked me. It's like he was reading my mind.

"Well yeah..." I answered blushing like crazy.

"Well I want you to feel normal around me, not forced to be ladylike. Be the Mary that Lara, Steffi, and Anna all know." He said with a reassuring smile at the end.

"Okay then... Are you sure though?" I asked scared of the reaction I was going to get out of him from me being my hungry self.

"I'm totally sure, love." He said with a ginormous smile that made my stomach erupt with butterflies.

"Okay then, since you're so sure you wanna see my hungry side." I said shrugging my shoulders and grabbing 3 pieces.

"Thank you, love. For being comfortable around me. Because I'm one of those kinds of people too!" He said kissing my temple quickly and then grabbing 3 pieces.

"Hey! Copier!" I said before taking a huge bite of my pizza.

"That bite was huge! I didn't know so much stuff could fit in that mouth." He said with an obvious giant wink.

"Zayn what the hell!" I said slapping his arm. "And I thought I was the perverted one!" I said/screamed taking another bite of pizza.

He looked at me with a strange look then smiled, continuing to eat his pizza.

For like 10 minutes it was pure silence. Except for the sound of our chewing and breathing of course.

Then there was a knock on the door.

***Louis' Car***

**Steffi's POV**

I'm still in shock that Louis saw me that way. All puffy-eyed. That was the end of my life. THEN OMIGOD HE HUGGED ME. AND I WAS LIKE YAAAAASSSSS. Those are just my thoughts...

"What happened?" Louis asked in the calmest voice possible.

"Well Anna just brought back some memories... That's all."

"You're okay though right?" He asked looking straight into my eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine, just keep your eyes on the ro-"

Then I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

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