Chapter 1

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Hundreds of years it's been since I have last seen my family. I'm still a rogue but I know I can survive. I do miss the company of other wolves talking about how they're going to ask their crush out or even talk about fighting. I've learned to avoid packs and the territory and to make sure my scent doesn't linger around the borders. I now live on the outskirts of a pack territory and I make sure they don't get close to me. The pack never bothers me and well I never bother them. I always watch the pack even though I am not part of it I still help. I have killed many rogues but I would never harm a pup because if I did that I wouldn't know how to live. I've always wanted a family but couldn't because I don't have a mate yet and don't think I ever will find a mate. I have noticed that this pack is a little different but I can't put my paw on it cause it wouldn't make any sense. I feel something that is trying to make go into the territory towards someone. I walk on the territory and notice a wolf and that wolf had spotted me and I thought I was going to die but instead. The wolf suddenly mine linked me and said Mate. I couldn't believe it I have a mate I thought I would never get a mate. I noticed that the wolf was whimpering me to change into my human form. My human is very weak and I don't usually shift that much since I was a rogue. But I finally did and I fell on the earthy ground and I noticed the big wolf was now a strong man with blonde hair and piercing grey eyes. But what I didn't notice was that he was staring at my body noticing my ribs and how thin I was. I knew he didn't want to pick me up because he was so afraid I would brake. But he lends his hand out and I reach to grab but then get picked up in his big frame. " Our mate is worried about your condition Raven." I shut my wolf out and fall fast asleep. I wake up to having a blanket on me and someone snoring and I look up and notice that it wasn't my mate. I scream and notice that my mate had rushed in and picked me up to try to calm me down. My mate growled at the man and the man did surrender and told him I'm sorry Alpha. My body wouldn't stop shaking and it was worrying my mate. He called the pack doctor to come in and check on me. I was whimpering because I didn't like doctors I had bad experiences with them. I look at my mate with my worried eyes and he notices and tenses up. " It's okay my little mate the pack doctor won't hurt you." his voice was calming and it soothed me and I did relax but I still shook.

It was about 3 hours later that my body stop shaking the doctor said it was a nerve caught between the shifting joint. My body wanted to rest and it did but not in the way I wanted it to. My body was wanting my mate just his touch would sooth my pain I still had. I had gotten up and walked out of the bedroom and went down to the kitchen. I smelled food that made my wolf howl inside. I notice a woman and a young man sitting next to the table when I notice the scent of my mate. " So little mate you've finally woken up." I look over to my mate and just nod my head. Then the woman spoke to me " So what is your name sweetie?" I didn't know how to respond to the woman I didn't even know. Finally my wolf pushed through and just told me to say it and get it over with. " My name is Raven." I noticed my mate just stare at me and I was about to burst out crying feeling I did something wrong. I run out of the kitchen into my spare bedroom to get away from everyone. I could hear my mate running up the stairs looking for me but I just stayed silent. " Raven why are you hiding from our mate?" (- Thena) I couldn't respond I just kept crying silently. I finally fell asleep on the bed and didn't know what was going on in my surroundings.

( Alpha Aaron)

After my beta's mate asked my little luna her name I was worried about what she was going to do. Then my little mate just surprised us all with her beautiful voice " My name is Raven". I just stared at her and I think I made her think she was in trouble because she ran out of the kitchen to somewhere else. My wolf was mad at me " Really Aaron you had to make our Raven cry." (- Coal). I just walked up stairs and noticed that her scent wasn't in our room so I walked around and just heard her cry I wanted to do something but I chose to wait until she tired herself out. I walked in when I heard her breathing settled and I noticed that she was sleeping on the bed with no blanket on her. I walked over to her and picked up her small frame sized body and took her into our room and laid her down in the bed to let her rest.

( To continue ......)

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