A normal day?

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It's a normal day in the Potter house. Except for the fact that all of the cousins are over and the adults went out to dinner leaving Teddy in charge. Everyone is doing there own thing Lily Luna Potter and Scopius Malfoy are cuddled together on the couch. Rose and Albus are playing exploding snap, Lucy and Hugo are playing wizards chess ( and of course Hugo is beating her ). Molly, Victorie and Teddy are taking together on the couch. Everything seems to be going on fine until... Teddy then realized that it has been too quiet. "Hey kids, where are James, Freddy and Roxie?" Everyone murmures that they don't know and in a split second everyone is looking for them because the last time they where together left alone they blew up the kitchen and Albus was no the roof. Lily soon finds then in Harry's office and she says very loudly "James you know your not allowed to be in dads office." "Shhhhh Lily god you'd think at 15 and all the fun pranks we've been through you'd cut us some slack" says James. Lily just laughed "yeah well I like seeing Teddy get mad and yell at you then hear mom yell at you when she finds out. Soon everyone else is up in Harry's study and Teddy is yelling at James but then Freddy asks what is this and Rose starts freaking out "FREDDIE THAT IS A TIMETURNER BUT THAT DOWN!" "Ok ok chill Rosie says James." James leans to take the timeturner but is hand slips and knocks the timeturner out of Freddie's hand. Everyone sees the timeturner hit the floor. Then after a few seconds everyone disappears.

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