./-Chapter 3;;-

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HEY MIA! Hope you're reading this b/c you told me you got a notification at lunch saying you saw I updated :) I'll see you at school tomorrow fren! [lmao if ur not reading this than this is prettyyyy embarrassing]

i stumble down the steps and walk with my head down. I try to focus on something other than the hot teacher standing before me and instead find an interest in the gym floor.

The way it shines, the way that the browns and yellow in the wood mix so elegantly. It's almost beautiful, until Josh clears his throat.

(Authors Note: That's not the only thing that'll be clearing Josh's throat tonight ;) JK plz don't stop reading)

"Shall we?" he questions, waving his hand over to the gym door.

I slowly walk past him, tangling my fingers in the hem of my shirt, and push through the door.

"Don't kill each other while we are gone! We will be back in a few shirts on!" He stutters over himself, trying to recuperate and fix his sentence before anyone notices "Minutes! I mean short minutes!"

I can feel Josh's eyes burning in the back of my head. Good thing he can't see me blushing furiously. I step out into the hallway, it's coldness relieves my skin.

The gym door clicks shut, and that's when my mind seems to go haywire.

Josh and I are all alone in a hallway with no security cameras. What if- What if he does something?

Are you stupid? Now that he's seen you he doesn't want anything to do with you! Why do you think he didn't recognize you? He doesn't care about you and he was just playing around with your emotions. You were his boy toy last night. I'm the only one who cares about you Tyler. ME!

"SHUT UP!" I screech, falling to the floor and holding my head.

I reach around with my hands, trying to find a wall, and lean up against it when i do, bringing my knees to my chest, rubbing my eyes furiously.

I feel a hand touch my shoulder and squeeze it.


"Hey" he cooes. "It's okay. You're alright" I feel him hug me to his chest, and I collapse into him. His body is so warm that i can feel it electrifying though me.

"What's the matter baby?"

my heart stops at that nickname and i look up at him.

"Pardon?" I say through a sniffle.

"You just screamed and i'm comforting you"

"but- I- Im not your baby"

"after last night, yeah you are"

I don't stop him from staking his claim on me. I'm to stuck on the fact that he actually does remember me and it makes me feel so... good.

"thank god. all this time I thought you really didn't remember me from last night"

"no baby boy, trust me, I wouldn't forget someone as beautiful as you"

I hug him tighter.

"I was so scared that you were just using me and didn't actually want to talk. That I was just a hump then jump."

he laughs at that, and his smile makes my whole body melt. I can't really explain it. It was like warm coffee on a fall afternoon, or a nice summer day playing outside munching on freezey pops.

His face was just nice. His face seemed like a good moment, and I wanted to experience it.

"I wouldn't do that to you ty" he paused, deciding weither or not to say what he's thinking.

"so why did you scream?" (bc we're terrified i'm trash sry bye)

i gulp heavily and look at the wall across from where i sit.

"i was thinking that you didn't actually care about me, and blurry, he told me you didn't need me"

with that, josh says nothing.

he just stands up, takes my hand in his and tells me to guide him to the storage closet. i take him there and he still hasn't let go of my hand. he unlocks the door with his keys and once the lock clicks, i am being tugged inside.

He quickly closes the door behind him. all in one swift motion, he pins me to the door and lifts my legs to wrap around his waist.

he presses me further into the door, trying to create friction.

"tyler robert joseph, do i need to fucking prove to you how much i fucking need you" he growls, his voice hoarse but gentle.

i don't say anything, i just swallow my breath and stare into his eyes; his big brown mocha eyes.

in a low whisper, looking at josh through my eyelashes i stutter out "p-profanity".

"shit," he says, almost angry, "sorry." and he laughs.

he then examines my lips, and licks his own. Joshua then looks back up at me, and smirks.

I must look lost, because he smiles and i earn a low laugh from him, before he presses his lips to mine.

The sweetness of his soft cherry lips against mine quickly ends as he pulls away and drops me to the floor without warning.

"You have a girlfriend, and I have a class to attend to" he states aggressively.

He grabs the basketballs and exits the athletic storage room.

"Don't be to long in here baby boy." he says before closing the door rather hard.

I told you he didn't like you dumbass. He barely got a piece of you and he's already disgusted. I'll start getting a clean blade ready for tonight 'baby boy'.

And at that, I lean against the door, confused and hurt, on the brink of tears.

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