Planning Something

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Hey guys welcome back :) to compensate i have written rather a long chapter i'm really sorry for not posting but you know i had my reasons. Enjoy :)

???: I will get you this time Ketchum, i'll be waiting for the perfect moment to unleash my demon on you just you wait.

Ash: Who are you?

???: You will find that out sooner or later.

After that little conversation that figure order his mysterious Pokemon to use smoke screen, when the smoke screen clears that figure and his Pokemon was gone.

"That was creepy" Ash said, "Creepy as hell" Serena replied. "Now we don't wanna get upset because some junkie threaten us we should be cheering after all Kalos league winner is home" said Gary trying to change subject. "Yeah we should held a party to celebrate Ash victory" Delia said. "Sounds good" said Gary. "Mom can i ask a favor" said Ash. "Now we can discuss everything but first let's go inside home" said Delia. Everyone nodded and heads inside the house. "What were you saying honey?" Delia asked " I just wanted to ask a favor from you" Ash says "What favor dear?" Delia asked. "Can i invite my every friend or rival who has helped me through every region." Ash asked "Sure dear why not" Delia answered. "So when and where we are having this party? Gary asked "How about one week from now and at our house of course" Delia answers. "Sounds great" everyone said in unison. "Mom i'm going to show Serena her room then please make some food for me" Ash says. "For me too" says Serena while chuckling. "Sure Dear" says Delia "Good bye everyone! I've gotta go to continue my research" Gary said. "I'll come too" says Prof.Oak. "Bye" the trio replied.

"Come Serena i'll show you your room" said Ash as he grabbed her hand and took her upstairs. "They look perfect together". Delia says quietly then go inside kitchen to prepare meal for both Ash and Serena. "Here you go this will be your room" Ash said "Thank you" Serena smiled " I know this isn't luxurious" Ash said " No it's far better then what i am used to thanks to our journey" she replied smiling. "Thank God you like it anyway my room is just left to yours if you need anything just ask for it" Ash said "Sure" she replied "Now do you want to meet my Pokemons?" Ash asked. "I will love to" Serena replied.

Together they come downstairs "Mom i am going to meet my Pokemons" Ash said "Wait Ash your meal is ready first eat then go and meet them" Delia said. "Food can wait i'm going to meet them first" Ash replied. Delia sighed because she knew how passionate is Ash towards his Pokemons but then suddenly Serena spoke "No you're not mister! you are eating your meal first then we will gonna meet your Pokemons together" Delia sighed and waited for the response she knew was coming but then unthinkable happened "Oh-ok" Ash sat down on the table and start devouring his meal. Delia was amazed to see Ash response she couldn't have imagined Ash to stop from meeting his Pokemons she understands that there was something about this girl Serena that maybe she is the one Ash need as his life partner. Serena sits down to and start eating her meal. "They are so perfect for each other i hope they find their true feelings for each other." Delia thought in her mind. "Ash eat slowly you will choke yourself" Serena said in concern. "I want to meet my Pokemons as quickly as i can" Ash replied. "Your Pokemons wouldn't like to see you all choked up do they? Serena replied "I guess you're right" he replied while scratching his cheeks. After few minutes they had finished their meal after thanking God and Delia for their delicious meal they left for Prof.Oak lab to see Ash's Pokemons.

End of chapter-6

That was long wasn't it? Hehehehe i know this isn't very long but it is for my standards actually :p i am really sorry for not uploading because i had my own reasons please read,share,comment and vote P.S Ignore any grammatical mistake you encounter :)

Thank you :)

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