Aha,I'm okay.

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Bloop.No I'm not.😀💥🔫

    Well.I broke up with my lovely girlfriend😧.I felt like i was taking up her time or I was being such a shitty girlfriend!Like,long distance is tough,i know.But literally i loved her a lot even if i fucked up bad. I still love her a lot because she's my world and yeah!I remember when I actually had the balls to ask her out.I remember it perfectly.

    We were texting and sending each other gifs.Then it hit me.What if i send her a gif asking if she'd wanna be my girlfriend? I was scared af,but i did it.She said sure then i was Confused. I didn't know if she was joking so we talked about it.So I was in California at the time abd it was about one?two in the morning over there?So it was official.

   GaHhhHHhh she's so sweet! But here i am. And more news. I'm in another relationship now.I have a boyfriend. FffffFF,it's wrong to be dating some and still have feelings for someone else right? Because i still like her and i told her i wanted to marry her and have a family together...She said she only wanted me which made me feel so special  omf.But then again she'll probably forget about me and date someone better bc lesbreal(😂)I'm a terrible shitty person! I'm not saying i don't even like my boyfriend, i do. I've known him for three years.And this year we have no classes together but we see each other every school day😁.

  I feel guilty for this.I want to have a family with a girl who isn't my girlfriend anymore!😭😩😥😥😥

//if you guys don't know who my girlfriend was it's ScreamAtTheVoid.She's v cute and  sweet ahh!//

-Kate/Kaleb ig😒

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