Girl Code #11

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10 overnight beauty secrets!

1. Soften.
For a overnight pampering treatment, apply Vaseline to the soles of your feet and put on thick socks. The socks help bind the moisture to your feet and you'll wake up to smooth, soft, baby soft heals. Now all you need is a sexy pair of satrapy heels to show them off!

2. De-puff.
If you constantly wake up with puffy, swollen eyes, try this. Add an extra pillow and sleep on your back. This will allow the fluids around your eyes to drain easier and keep the puffiness to a minimum.

3. Create waves.
To wake up with perfect waves, simply shower at night and style your hair before you go to bed. Allow your strands to air dry until they're damp, and run some light styling syrup through with your fingers. Depending on your hair type and what kind of waves you prefer, you can either sleep in braids or twist your hair into buns. Don't be afraid to experiment! Bed head has never looked so good!

4.) Moisturize

Ladies with dry skin, take note: A humidifier might just change your skin forever. Turn one on before you sleep (this works best during colder months when the air is drier) and let it work its magic. It instills the air with moisture, which in turn helps plump your skin and keep it hydrated.  

5.) Prevent wrinkles

Sleeping on a cotton pillowcase can cause creases on your skin and create wrinkles. Instead, pamper yourself by investing in a silk or satin one. It will lessen the pressure on your skin and help prevent hair breakage.  

6.) Whiten teeth

For an easy DIY whitening treatment, try brushing some baking soda to your pearly whites right before bed. Leave the mixture on for 5-6 minutes and make sure to rinse thoroughly afterwards. This is a perfect PM beauty treatment because in the waking hours, you would normally have to wait about 50 minutes before eating or drinking anything afterwards. Just make sure you are only doing this once a week; any more, and the acid in baking soda can wear down your tooth enamel.

7.) Brighten

It’s best to apply any face products that have brightening ingredients like retinol and vitamin C in them at night. Sunlight can actually deactivate them and prevent them from working to their fullest potential.

8.) Lengthen lashes

Give your fluttery fringe some loving with a DIY lash lengthening treatment. The secret ingredient? Castor oil. This natural oil is rich in super-hydrating omega-6 fatty acids, which help moisturize your lashes and prevent breakage. Using a clean spoolie, gently brush the castor oil through your lashes each night. In the morning, just rinse with warm water and wash your face as usual. You should notice healthier lashes in just a few weeks!

9.) Repair

Smooth a leave-in conditioner into your locks before you snooze to wake up to shiny, soft strands. Applying it in the evening gives treatment more time to penetrate into your hair cuticles for optimum moisture. (For a great natural alternative, try coconut oil.)

10.) Smooth

Nail beds looking dry? Apply cuticle cream or oil before you sleep and slip on gloves afterwards. You’ll wake up to healthy, hydrated nail beds. Now you just have to decide on the perfect polish color.


Get softer, smoother and whiter underarms with a natural scrub. Also, the scrub will help you get rid of any body odor and keep your armpit fresh and clean through out the day.

Mix baking soda with coconut oil and scrub under your arms, baking soda gently exfoliates the skin removing any dark or rough patches making it softer and smoother. 

  HOMEMADE ZIT ZAPPER                                                      

This is a really simple recipe for “zapping” zits. It requires just two ingredients (coconut oil and tea tree oil) which both have antifungal and antibacterial properties, while the coconut oil helps to quickly reduce redness and puffiness. Mix up the ingredients, place in a lip balm tube and carry around with you to apply every time a pimple appears.


Mask to give hair silky and shiny. Mix a teaspoon of vinegar and a teaspoon of glycerin. Kneaded composition until smooth. Add the beaten egg mass. Mix in the resulting mass, add 2 tablespoons of castor oil. Thoroughly mixed. Apply the mask on the entire length of the hair. Put the plastic cap  and wrap head with a towel. Leave the mask on hair for 2 hours. After wash the hair using shampoo. After washing, rinsing, use of decoction, do it 2 times a week.



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