Through the Window

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************Hi! This is my first story on here and I’m kind of excited/nervous to be putting my stories up for people to read so.. yeah. Anyway! I love constructive criticism and anything that you think that could possibly help in my writing, please tell me :) Since this is my first piece of work, it’s nowhere near finished and I don’t have a clear direction as to where it’s headed… Well, once again read on tell me what you think! Thanks peeps :)  

Chapter 1

            A light inconsistent tapping dragged me out of my sleep. Where's that coming from? I thought as I sat up with a groan. Looking around my dark room with bleary eyes, I searched for anything out of place that could possibly be making the noise. My closet doors were closed like they were every night as well as my room door. I let my eyes skip over my bookcase after seeing my small fat dog Sugar Nugget curled up on top of my books on the bottom row. Grumbling, I got out from up under the covers, my fan was on high like it was every night making me shiver slightly form the cold. It also didn't help that I was wearing nothing but my bra and underwear. Oh well. Hoping to find the annoying source of the tapping so that I could once again sleep in peace, I padded barefoot over to my dresser. Maybe a lose paper was being blown up against my mirror causing the stupid tapping? I didn't know or care what it was, I just wanted it to stop.

            Tap taptap tap...

            “Ugh!” I grunted softly. This was getting really annoying! I did not feel like starting off my break in a bad mood because I couldn't sleep, but it was surely going to happen if that stupid tapping didn't stop. No papers were lose on my dresser so I trudged back toward my bed over to my bedside table scanning the floor the whole way. I was fully awake and totally peeved now. Glaring at my table and seeing nothing that could possibly be causing the tapping, I shook my head as I sat heavily on my bed. It groaned and squeaked under my weight, protesting the added burden. It wasn't like I was fat or anything, my weight barely topped at 122 lbs soaking wet, which is something to not be ashamed of. Even if I was “over weight” I still wouldn't care. My bed just sucks big time. Unlike most girls I won't scream and screech at you for asking how much I weigh, it's a legitimate question. Which brings me back to the main question. Where had that tapping come from? I hadn't heard it in a while so I sat still and listened, hoping to pin-point the area that it had first come from.

            So I waited.

            And waited..

            And waited so more... Ugh! What the piss! Now it wants to stop, now that I'm wide awake and annoyed. Just my lu-

            Taptap tap...

            There! By the window! I bolted off the bed with it's loud sigh of relief sounding behind me. I was at the window in two bounds wrenching it open in the next. I leaned out the window very carelessly considering my room was on the second floor and I was only wearing my bra while hanging out the window for all to see my goods. At the moment I really didn't care. It was late and nobody lived close enough around to see anything considering the fact that we practically lived in the woods, so I had nothing to really worry about. I searched the ground below for any traces of someone being near the house, but I saw nothing.

            It was dark outside still with no sign of turning light anytime soon, though the moon was out and shining brightly in its fullness, it was still kind of hard to see. I switched my view from the ground to the area above me. I really didn't think I needed to, but one could never be to sure. It didn't make since for something to be up there tapping on my window, there wasn't anything to hold on to get up on the roof in the first place. We didn't have trees near the house so unless you parachuted down onto it, you weren't getting on top of the house. Or if you had a really tall ladder, then you were in business, but most didn't so they were out of luck. I listened for a bit daring the tapping to start up again counting the seconds until it did. After about a minute of leaning most of my body out of the window, my stomach muscles were quivering in protest. With one last look around outside I sighed and pulled back in the room.

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