part 9

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The next day i faked a migraine because i wanted to help out Merideth and Henry i closed my eyes and hoped i would just appear in their  house, but that didn't work. Instead i looked at the end of my bed and they were standing there. I was so glad i would finally get a chance to talk to them,to make things right.

I went to get up but i felt like. I was frozen on my back;i couldn't move. Thats when i noticed what was happening, i was having sleep paralysis i tried talking but words wouldn't come out my mouth. Thats when i looked at Henry and Merideth  their faces started melting, the skin was tightening,around the faces their bones were started to stick through their skin, they weren't the real Merideth and Henry they were demons. Thats when i felt like i was burning and i looked moved my eyes just enough to see that my arm skin was melting.
Then my heart skipped a beat i was falling out of the sky all i could see was Patrick and Elliza their faces full of horror.
I saw Patrick screaming and crying and i saw Elliza screaming my name tears streaking her face. I knew i was dreaming but i could feel myself falling then i heard a crack, my neck; i woke up my heart was beating so hard i could hear it in my ears.

That was when i realized helping ghosts would be harder then i ever imagined.....

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