Our side of the story

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Jason POV

Cassie told me she likes my new bunk mate,Griff. I honestly don't see what she likes about him.

Sure, he's a bad boy like me, but other than that, he's a phony. No offense.

There's this girl, Zuri. I think she's cute. Hopefully she's not taken.

Cassie POV

The reason we're here in the first place is because we're homeless. Our parents got arrested when we were three. They sold drugs from before we were even born.

So the police took us to an orphanage. Jason kept stealing stuff and breaking the rules. Since no one came to adopt us, so they sent us to Camp Kikiwaka.

I really like this camp. So far so good.

A/N: How do you like Cassie and Jason's side of the story? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

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