Chapter 5: Magic Lessons

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The next day, all the tools that I needed are set.

Rulers, compasses, 45-45-90 triangles, 30-60-90 triangles, mechanical pencil and eraser. If I could only have a protractor then it's all set.

The manadite chalk was reshaped into a 0.5mm diameter cylinder spanning a total of 10cm length.

Just using the first Manadite alone managed to make 30 of these. Looks like I wouldn't need to process ores for a while.

When I showed all the tools to Mary and Nina, they stared at it intently. It seems that it was their first time seeing drawing tools such as these.

It seems that the drawing tools sold at the capital was powered with magic, which makes it expensive.

When I showed them how to use each, Mary started jumping around saying that with these she would need less time to finish drawing.

It seems that the mechanical pencil was the one that caught her attention the most. It was easy to hold and she can draw clearly with it, as it was mixed with charcoal that makes it easy to see on white paper.

She even conducted a test to see if the efficiency fell but instead discovered that the addition of coal made it much efficient.

Also, probably due to the tool's influence, even Nina started to have an interest for being a Magic Artificer.

The conclusion? That afternoon, Mary's students ended up becoming two.

"The first lesson would be on the easiest level of Magic circles. The elements."

She started the class while showing us a paper with 4 circles drawn. The words fire, water, earth and wind are written clearly in cursive in the middle.

It was basically a square inscribed in a circle with a string of words on the middle representing the element.

These circles were really basic just as she said.

"The fire magic circle is used to call upon a small fire."

She picked up a small paper set aside with the fire magic circle drawn. After it received mana from Mary, the paper suddenly got lit with fire from the top-left corner. It was burning the paper slowly.

"Next is water magic circle. It is used to call upon a small amount of water. It is effective against fire."

As she explained, she picked up a paper with the water magic circle. After applying mana, water started to drip from the paper.

The drops of water reached the flame from the other magic circle and it got extinguished.

"Following that is the earth magic circle. It is used to call upon the power of the earth. It is effective against water element."

When she picked up an earth magic circle and activated it, the paper suddenly turned into sand and fell on top of the water, sipping it dry.

"Last is the wind magic circle. It calls upon a light breeze. It is useful against earth element as it cannot be restrained."

When she activated the wind magic circle, a gust of wind came and wiped the table clean from the sand.

"Conversely, wind element works to strengthen fire element so you need to be careful."

She warned us too about the compatible elements.

"What will happen if I write two elements in a single circle?"

I asked. Mary nodded and quickly gave an answer.

"In case of two elements being inscribed, the elements will be reacting with each other. For example, if fire is mixed with wind, when the circle is activated, it will produce a hot breeze of air."

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