Drowning is Intresting

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I feel desolate but indefinitely saturated with emotion and overwhelmed at the same time.

This feeling delivers thoughts of drowning to my brain: my lungs are fighting, trying to stay full of air but yet I'm dying as water is being pumped into them and air is escaping.

Breathing fresh air is exquisite. Comparable to drinking a glass of red wine.
A bitter, sharp but vivid feeling down your throat Into your lungs.

"Breathing" in water is violent.
Comparable to drinking a bottle of liquor.
A bitter, vicious but still vivid feeling down your throat into your lungs.

I feel empty and also overwhelmed.

They say if you experience drowning you will learn how darkness can surround you and swallow you whole.
That is how I feel now as the darkness pulls on me.

Shadows surround me keeping me from the light prohibiting me of touching it, denying me it's warmth!
The cold, dead feeling of the abyss surrounds you as the water takes ahold of your breath, your life.

My brain is drowning, I can feel my mind drifting into an ocean to take its own life.
I can feel the light, my life, gradually seized from my grasp. For my brain has not only lost its will to live and fight, but it has surrendered to the shadows that pull.

So now here I am no longer fighting, but sinking further and further to the depths of the darkness loosing all that is myself and all of my humanity.
I am void, no longer can anyone or anything reach me.
Love no longer exists
    Hate no longer exists
         Joy no longer exists
               Pain no longer exists

I no longer exist...

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