1: Pink hair

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Months later

Well summer was officially over and that meant going back to school. You see once I could start to speak again everything changed. Our time in Paris was amazing. We stayed for 2 weeks; I made many fun memories with the boys and Laykin. I hung out with Laykin for the entire summer and pretty much did nothing. At first my voice cracked a lot, which was embarrassing, but now, with the occasional crack, my voice is normal as ever. I love being able to say something right when I think it rather than taking the time to write it on my phone or computer and show it to someone or sign it and have Louis translate.

I decided to return to “Mabel’s Academy for Girls” this September because that’s where Laykin goes and where I use to go to school. Anyways, school starts again tomorrow and I am so scared. I would be starting year 10. At least when I go again, I’ll have Laykin on my side.

“SOPHIE!” I hear a voice yell from the other end of the house.

Oh that reminds me, Laykin and I may or may not have pulled a teensy little prank in Niall’s room. Defining teensy I mean we put hair dye in his shampoo. Let me just say the ladies love hot pink hair right? I peak my head out of my bedroom door to see a pouty Niall stomping my way.

“How do you know if I did it?” I say coming out of my bedroom.

“Because I just know you did.” He says towel wrapped around his waist and lovely pink hair.

“Actually it wasn’t me. It was Laykin.” I say laughing and snapping a picture.

“Hey I just got the mail-” Zayn says head down looking up at Niall and I. “What the hell happened to you?”

I burst out in a small laugh attack as Niall points to me.

“As I said before it was Laykin.” I proclaimed.

“Well anyway.” Zayn says looking at Niall again. “The mail came and this letters for you Soph.”

I take the letter from his outstretched hand and run into my bedroom before Niall can confront me anymore. I climb onto my bed and sit criss-cross and read the address on the letter. “America’s Adoption Center”. That’s weird, last time I checked I hadn’t adopted anyone from the United States. I began to open up the letter, the first words I read after “Dear Sophie,” was “It’s Luke”. And that’s when I stopped.

I may seem slightly crazy about not wanting to read the letter but it took me the entire summer to get over him and I am not going to ruin all of that work just to read this letter. So I put the letter back inside the envelope and sealed it up. I swung my feet over my bed and stood up. Making myself a silent promise to never open it I closed the drawer.

“Hey Soph- What are you doing?” Louis says coming into my room.

“Uh nothing my u-uh drawer- i-is broken.” I stutter.

“Oh do you want me to fix it?” He asks walking over to me.

“No I’ll do it, what did you come in here for?”

“Eleanor just wanted to take you “first day of school shopping”.” He says putting air quotes around first day of school shopping.

“Really?” I say excitedly. “When?”

“Now?” Eleanor says sneaking her head into my room.

“Let’s go!” I say following her outside the door.

Eleanor and I have always been pretty close since, I guess since Louis adopted me. We walked out of my bedroom and down the hall towards the front door. Eleanor was parked in her usual spot in the driveway. I hopped into the passenger seat of her car. I looked down at the outfit I was wearing that day. I had chosen a long-cream sweater and black leggings with moccasins. This outfit wasn’t really chosen to be seen in public in, more life comfy clothing to wear around the house. To add to my wonderful appearance my hair was in a low ponytail.

“Okay we’re just going to try to sneak to the mall and buy every store in the building and leave.” 

“With what money?” I ask.

“I took Louis’s credit card.” She says with a “duh” tone.

“So how has it been?” She asks me.

“How has what been?” I answer.

“Well you know Luke is gone and I know you two totally liked each other, it was so obvious. Has he talked to you since? Do you guys text or write or tweet or whatever?” Eleanor rambles.

“We don’t talk.” I mumbled.



            Our plan of going into the mall and not getting noticed totally did not work. For one we didn’t even bring a disguise like a hat or sunglasses. So we had to hide in some clothing store for an hour while One Direction’s security was called to the scene. While hiding in the store we did pick up a few things that I could possibly wear tomorrow at school.

            It was four o’clock when we finally were escorted out of the mall and taken home. I mean can I say successful shopping or not. More likely a “not”. Eleanor went home after our little shopping shenanigan. I decided to go through my closet to choose the lucky outfit to be worn on my first day of school. But I can’t decide by myself so I video called Laykin.

            “Hey Soph.” She says answering my call.

            “No time to talk outfit time.” I babbled.

            “Alright, alright.” She chortled.

            After long very thought out choose was a pair of dark wash jeans, a grey sweater, cream scarf and white converse. Laykin and I talked for a while longer when Liam came into my room to tell me to get ready for bed.

            “Ugh Liam I don’t want summer to be over.” I say putting my phone on the charger.

            “Me either. My Sophie won’t be home everyday anymore.” He fakes crying.

            “How about we pull me out of school last minute?” I say giving him my best pouty face.

            “Nice try Soph.” He says pulling me into a hug.


Annnd we're back. Hii! I've missed you all very very much. This chapter was quite short because I didn't really feel the need to drag it on any longer. The next chapter will hopefully be longer because she's going back to school and that means mean girls ;) And some of your characters will be used in the story so STAY TUNED! And if you don't mind check out @Kenny_Pariss 's story please! Commment really mean the world to me so tell me what you think. Love you xx 

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