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Emmett ran to Jake and pushed him up the wall by his neck.
"You think that you can live happily ever after and have kids with Niamh? Well, think again. Niamh is mine!" Emmett growled.
"Emmett! I am not yours and you're scaring Little Duck and me!" I screamed.
"Stay out of this!" Emmett shouted. By this point Jake was turning blue and my blood was boiling. I couldn't keep my secret anymore, I needed to save Jake.
I waved my hand and Emmett was flung across the room.
Jake fell to the ground and I used my healing abilities to help him breathe.
"What was that?" Jake asked when he was able to breathe. Emmett and Little Duck were still in shock.
"I'm a witch." I explained.
"That shit weird." Emmett got up and ran off.
"You probably don't like me anymore." I said, starting to cry.
"No! I love you forever and always." Jake wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his lap and rested his head on my shoulder.
"I love you too mommy!" Little Duck came and gave me a huge hug.
"Anyway, Little Duck, Jake and I are thinking about having a baby. Are you okay with that?" I asked.
After putting the door back on its hinges, we decided to play hide and seek. It was my turn and I found Little Duck under her bed. We were looking for Jake when an old friend of mine knocked on the door.
"Isabella. What a surprise." Note sarcasm.
"Why did you tell them?" She asked. She was my mentor.
"I love Jake and he was in a life threatening situation so I had to help him." I explained.
"And this one." She pointed to Little Duck.
"She's my non-biological daughter." I said.
"How do you know that they will keep the secret?"
"I trust them, now bye." I waved and shut the door.
"What happened." Jake came out of the closet.
"Just my mentor , its grand."
"Mommy, can you make me fly?" Little Duck asked while examining my hand which I made a flower sprout from.
"Yes I can, look, I'll show you."
I lifted her up and walked outside, I used a levitation spell so she could fly.
"That's so cool!" She exclaimed.
Jake pulled me into his embrace.
"You're amazing." He kissed my forehead as we watched Little Duck jumping up and down, trying to fly.

Later that evening.
The guys and Emily came round to see the new house and to eat. I bought a takeaway and baked some (loads of) cookies. After dinner, everyone sat in the living room and joked around. We started playing truth or dare.
"Niamh, truth or dare?" Paul asked.
"I dare you to kiss me." He dared.
Jake started to shake.
"It's okay Jake. I'll just kiss him on the cheek." I tried to calm him.
I walked over to Paul and was about to kiss his cheek but he turned his head at the last second and smashed his lips on mine. I managed to push him off and Jake was shaking uncontrollably, I walked up to him and tried to calm him down.
"Jake, don't phase, please. It's okay, I love you only you. Just don't phase, I don't want you to hurt me, you'd hate yourself forever if you did." Paul picked the perfect time to unexpectedly grind his hips against mine and Jake saw.
All I can remember is shouting "Jake no!" Then everything went black.

1 week later
I woke up to the sound of a heart monitor. Jake was crying next to my bed.
"Where am I?" I choked out. Jake looked up and his face was red and eyes puffy.
"You're in the hospital, I phased and I hurt you and I'm so sorry. I thought I lost you!" He sobbed.
"It's okay Jake, you didn't mean to." I said.
"No! It's not okay! You're scarred for life because of me!" He shouted as he tugged at his hair.
"Jake, calm the fuck down or I will fucking go!"
"Okay." He calmed.
"Whats wrong with me anyway?" I asked. He held up a mirror.
Three long gashes spread across my collarbone.
"The good news is, they did some tests and while they were doing them, they found out that you're pregnant." Jake told me. Omg!! That's all I've ever wanted! A family of my own!
"I don't know what to say. Omg!! I'm so happy!!" I hugged Jake.

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