The Dog

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       I woke up in the Cave thinking How did nobody find me? I guess luck? Anyways ready to start the day I whispered to my self. I gathered my belongings and started to head out of the Cave. I have that dang feeling that I'm leaving something behind. Oh how could I forget my book. I ran back into the Cave and found my book and put it i. my bag and carried on.

I came out of the Cave and heard a twig snap behind me . I grabbed my bow and arrow and aimed it at the direction I heard the twig snap.

"Who Are You, Come Out" I yelled

Then a dog appeared out of the bushes. And it appears to be injured on its left paw. I lower my bow and put it behind my back. I come closer to the injured dog and it walked backwards.

"It's ok, I won't hurt you," I whispered loud enough so the dog could hear me

Out of nowhere this one huge guy came out the trees, and holding up his sword.

''Hello the pretty lady, hand over the dog,''

The dog whined and walked behind me.

''Haha, now I would have to be pretty stupid and dumb to do that now would I," I laughed in his face.

''You don't know what your dealing with, lady give the dog,''

''No, the dog here is in--n'' before I could finish my sentence he charged at me with his shining sword. I dodged it by a centimeter. And his sword got stuck in the tree. I signaled the dog to go in the Cave.

''Oh, someone could really get hurt like that,'' I gasped

I grab my bow and arrow and shot his back while trying to take his sword out the tree. Once he died I took the arrow shot and put it back in my bag of arrows. After all that I ran in to the Cave to find the injured dog. I see the dog in a corner shaking to death. I went to go and comfort it. And check to see it it was a girl or boy.

''Looks like a boy,I'm going to name you Kit,'' I sighed

I got a spare of bandaids and wrapped around his left paw. And after 10 minutes of sitting in the Cave I went outside. Kit followed me, I took out a map from my bag and planned to go to Tanburan.

''So left, no no right, no left ,no right, I'm sure of it ,wait unless it's left'' I said

Kit started to walk away from me and barked. He was probably saying this way since he has a better nose then me. So I just decided it follow him. I folded away my map and headed on to the path to follow Kit.










Gezz it's nightfall already I'm tired. Kit ran to a clearing in the forest that have a little hill.

''This is where we'll be staying for tonight ok Kit''

I climbed a tree near the hill and put my bag on a branch. I rested on a higher branch. Kit slept on the roots below.

''Goodnight, kit''


''I'll take that as a goodnight''

I felt my eyes get covered by darkness.


3:00 A.M


I woke up and climbed down the tree quietly so Kit could sleep. I saw the sky above me and stars were shining brighter then ever this night. I walked up the hill and sat at the top and saw a beautiful town below. I heard two guards greeting this old man.

''Welcome to Tanburun,''

Kit was right, Tanburun is below us. I smile and think of the journey ahead us. I lay on the green grass and look up to the sky. I wonder if Obi is looking at the night sky right now.


Its like 3:00 in the morning and I run to the castle roofs and lay there.

''I leave first thing in the morning" I sighed

I lay on the roof and stared at the beautiful night sky.

''I wonder if that girl is looking at the sky right now'' I smiled.

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