When He/You Get Drunk

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Slender is now drunk after drinking 5 bottles of wine and he is having a moment when he is kissing a pillow as he think he's kissing you.

"Y-Y/N I love you." Slender slurred

You begin to blush dark red and carry Slender to his room to rest after he passed out.


When you drink, 3 bottles of red wine, you begin to feel a bit flirtatious as you begin to put on a Dominatrix suit and got on the bed as Offender came and snicker at the position.

"Daddy I've been a bad boy." You slurred

Offender knows that your drunk and he bring you to his room to let you rest after you pass out drunk.


Splendor have drink 4 cans of beer and you begin to see Splendor giggling so much while hiccuping and begin to play with a ball that Splendor think it is you and spin it around.

"O-Oh I w-want to play with *hic* you Y/N." Splendor slurred

You softly giggled and sent him to his room once he is passed out drunk.


Jason has drunk so much beer, about 8 cans as he felt very angry and evil that his toys and even you are afraid as he ran after you with his eyes glowing green.


Moments later, Jason then passed out on the floor as he is drunk.

Masky and Hoodie:

Both Masky and Hoodie have drank so much beer in the bar room at the mansion that they are singing Sexy Back as Masky fall on top of Hoodie and they are giggling while giving out a few hiccups.


Since Toby can't feel pain, he drunkenly went on the roof and begin to look and made a drunk smile.

"VODKA!" Toby said

Toby jumped off the roof and landed on the ground while letting out a few hiccups. He then pass out drunk as you bring him home.

Homicidal Liu:

Sully have been in control and already drank 9 cans of beer as he slurs and begin to sleep naked as SMW and yourself did a face palm together as Sully talks perverted like always. SMW sighed and take the 8 empty cans and throw it away.

Laughing Jack:

Laughing Jack got drunk again as he have some cotton candy vodka and even Pop Rock Vodka as well. You begin to see LJ making out with a door as you made a wtf look. As LJ passed out drunk, you begin to put both bottles in the trash can as you don't want LJ to be drunk again.

Ben Drowned:

Both you and Ben have a drinking contest as you already drank 2 bottles of tequila as Ben drank 8 bottles of beer. Ben have been singing wrecking ball naked as you are passed out. As Teke Teke and Aka Manto see Ben naked, they both ran out as Ben then passed out drunk on the floor.

Doll Maker:

Doll Maker sees you drinking 6 bottles of beer and you begin to walk drunk as you begin to hold a broom and spin it around, thinking that Doll Maker is dancing with you.

"Oh Doll Maker *hic* I love your dancing skills." You slurred

Doll Maker snickered quietly and bring you to his room once you passed out drunk on the floor.


Kagekao have drink 3 bottles of red wine as he is flirting with a pole and make out with it as you make a wtf face and bring him to his room when he pass out on the floor.

Eyeless Jack:

EJ have drank up to 10 cans of beer and he is petting Seedeater and kiss his lips and make out with him as you begin to make a weird face as Seedeater blushed a tiny bit. Once EJ have passed out, you and SeedEater bring him to his room and allow him to rest.


Jeff got so drunk after when w drank up to 7 bottles of whiskey as he begin to flirt with Smile Dog as SD made a WTF look while tilting his head. You bring Jeff to the living room once he is passed out drunk

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