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Saika's POV:
"Hah!" I cried, holding my wooden katana to Renji's neck, "I win." Renji looks a little depressed for a second before smiling up at me, "Good fight Saika." "It was fun Renji. Though I keep telling you, it's Sai" I said, removing my sword away from his throat. He shrugs and turns away. "This is weird," he said suddenly, looking back at me. "What's weird?" I asked, tilting my head. "Looking up at you. This never happens because you're a midget." "Get lost Renji," I said walking away. Even though I couldn't see him, I bet you that Renji was smirking like an idiot behind me.

Some of the soul reapers who watched us fight gave me a pat on the head or shoulder, occasionally commenting on my performance. It made me feel like a child when they patted my head, even though a long time ago I would have killed for anyone to do that for me. I continued walking towards the exit. As I stepped out, I turned back and waved, "Thank you for the fun day!" My squad mates waves back and yelled their good-byes as I flash-stepped away.

It was getting close to dusk and I decided I would go home and prepare something for myself to eat. Tomorrow, I'd go back to routine, eat, paperwork, eat, more paperwork, training, eat, sleep. I personally thought that routine would be the death of me, but of course, I always tried to keep positive. Soon enough, I was standing in front of my home, thank goodness. I quickly opened the door and stepped inside, letting the warmth of the house blow by me. I hurried in and shut the door.


Cooking was definitely not my strong suit, baking included. I surprised myself by not burning anything this time around, let alone it actually smelled good. I smiled contently, proud of my major accomplishment. I had just finished putting all the food into their separate bowls when the door rang.

"Come in," I said, not looking up from the food. "Hello Saika," a low, rich voice greeted me. I look up and see the friendly eyes of Sosuke Aizen. "Nice to see you Aizen," I replied in a chirper tone. I never bothered correcting Aizen about my name. When he said my real name, it sounded way cooler than just Sai, so I let him get away with it. "Well, I believe I smelt good food and decided to see if my nose was telling the truth," he said, closing the door behind him. "Well, I've cooked a lot of food for later so there is plenty for you to eat as well," I said, motioning him to sit down. He bowed his head a little before carefully lowering himself onto the cushion. I laid out all the dishes in the middle of the table and set up a table for two, all while Aizen waited patiently.

"How are you feeling Saika?" Aizen asks as I sit down. "Well, all my burns and cuts are healed, though my self esteem is still recovering," I reply. "That's good. Don't worry Sai, everyone makes mistakes," he says with a smile, "Let's eat!"

The rest of dinner was small talk and sharing past memories. Aizen was practically my dad, since he always acted like one to me. He reminded me of the time when we first met and how shy I was. "You didn't have anyone to hide behind, so you ducked behind the nearest pole or door," Aizen laughed. It was true though since I didn't have a lot of experience around people. I was scared that I would make a fool out of myself which is still a fear I carry around to this day. "Yeah. That's also how I met Toshiro because I bumped into him while hiding," I said, "When he yelled at me I freaked out. After all, going to a school filled with people was a dramatic change from my lonely life at home so of course I was a chicken."

Aizen helped me clean up and kept me company. We mostly worked in silence, but every now and then he would say something. Then he surprised me with some startling news. "Hey Saika?" "Hmmmm?" "Have you heard the recent update about Rukia Kuchiki?" I raised an eyebrow and the said, "No. What is it?" "She's being arrested."

I almost dropped the bowl I was carrying. I stood there frozen in shock, my face in a petrified state. "W-What'd s-she do?" I asked, my voice failing to stay strong. "She gave her powers to a human. I suppose Renji didn't tell you that he and Byakuya Kuchiki are going go bring her back tomorrow," Aizen said cooly. Nothing could be heard from my small mouth besides the sound of my rapid breathing. "Are you okay Saika?" Aizen asked. "Y-Yeah. I'll be fine, just need some time alone," I said quietly. Aizen nodded then headed towards the door. "Be safe Saika and good night," Aizen said, his voice sounding concerned. All I could do was nod.

I set down the bowl I was carrying and walked outside to my willow tree. I hopped onto one of its branches and plopped myself down. Why didn't he tell me? I asked myself, Am I no longer good enough to know? I thought a meeting would be called for this at least. Maybe he thinks a child like me can't comprehend this. I curled into ball and quietly cried. Whether if was for Rukia's arrest and possible fate or just for myself I did not know.

I stayed there sobbing for quiet some time, misery replacing any positive thoughts I came across. I didn't realize that someone was on the branch with me. I didn't notice that they sat down next to me. Above all, I didn't realize it was him.

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