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I was afraid she had a knife again
But thankful she didn't
Is it just me or did her clothes change?
I could've sworn I missed it
She sways as she walks to the bed
And gets on top of me
Stroking my face with her finger
She leaves bite marks on my neck forcefully

What is this feeling?
Is this her seductive force?
She kissed me deeply and asks entry
I open my mouth and welcome her, hung like a horse
My back arches upwards
Our bodies against each other
Moving as one, a single wave
She presses me harder

I feel her hand slip under my shirt
She's now exploring my body
I restrain the urge to moan
I've never let anyone like this touch me
Faster now, she's going in rhythm
Leaving a trail of kisses everywhere
I'm left naked and bruised
My body no longer innocent and bare

❣Choke Her [#Watty's 2016]❣Where stories live. Discover now