Last day!!

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I'm so proud of my self, I only forgot like three days or something. I really thought that I would forget half the month or something.

Last question day 30: Describe the affect Harry Potter has on your life, and how much it means to you

Harry Potter has been there with me since I was 8 and it started as just a book my father read to me, but ended up being so much more. Its what got me into reading and made me the reader I am today. Harry Potter steals all my money, but its okay because I love buying harry potter stuff. If you ever wonder what to get me, go with something Harry Potter

I dont think I can describe how much Harry Potter means to me, its beyond words. I love it and its one of the biggest parts of my childhood. Some words to describe harry potter for me are: amazing, heartbreaking, loving, funny, fantastic, childhood etc.

So that was the 30-days challenge, I will go back to regularly updates now. I'm going to try at least once a week, but I forget a lot so cant promise anything

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