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Have you ever looked at someone and thought "Damn their life must be perfect. They look happy. They look beautiful. They're smart. They're popular. My life sucks. Why can't I be like them?"

Well it's time to stop comparing. If you've noticed, you always tend to say "They look happy." Because it's true. They do look happy. That doesn't mean they actually are. You never know what someone's going through. NEVER judge someone based on how they look. Because looks are just the surface of the ocean, while what they actually are, is the entire depth of the ocean.

Ever thought about how you might be 'that' person for someone else? They could look at you and want to live your life. It's time you realize that a garden is colorful only because it contains different flowers. It's time you realize that an ocean is breathtaking only because within it, thrives a variety of life forms. It's time you realize that this world is beautiful only because each person is a unique blend of self-inspired awesomeness.

It's time you realise that the only thing you need to be in order to be more awesome, is you. The pure and raw you-ness filled you. <33

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