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I read your letter for the millionth time. Abandoning the girl you love when she needed you the most, is that what you're really about? People warned me. I should've listened. Now you're gone and nothing makes sense anymore. I've been very irritable lately...pushing away anyone who tries to comfort me. It's like you've taken away my ability to feel. Turned me into a stone devoid of emotions. I still remember the day I found this letter lying under my bed. I had been terrified when you hadn't contacted me for weeks. My calls, unattended. My texts, unresponsive. Your house, empty. My heart beating, I opened it. I remember how I was immediately relieved that it wasn't a suicide note. But upon reading it entirely, I was hit with a truckload of emotions. You left me. Alone. Now, thinking about it...I haven't felt anything ever since. Everybody makes mistakes. It's just that you were both my best and worst one.

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