Meet, Jenny from the Block (Part 2)

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Jennifer's POV

I just shove away what happened in the coffee shop. Cause there is no sense if I'll just cry

So I just did my job and tried to smile to my boss. I did it all the time

Thankfully, Gino was always there to comfort me

Hayyy..Can he just be by boyfriend...? It would be nice, to be honest.

Until it's 6:30 pm now

I changed my uniform into jeans and a black sweater

"Gino! I gotta go! I have a class at 7."

"Oh okay! Take care!" He splashed a sweet smile

I grabbed my bag and slung it to my shoulder


"Bye babygirl." He said and gave me sweet smile

I just playfully rolled my eyes and I went out

I'm kind of sleepy but I shove it away and just take pills to make me feel alive

I rode to Manhattan with my scooter which was the last gift I received from my parents. It's old and had many repairs but it still works and help me to go wherever I want to go and I feel like everytime I ride this, I can feel my parents are just with me

I parked it on the motorcycle area as I removed my helmet. Then other students came with their Harley Davidson, Aprilia, Ducati, Benelli, and BMW motorcycles

Being a very good human being, I gave them a small smile but instead of doing the same to me, they just gave me this disgusted look and they walked away as they laughed

I ignored them and get all my things and went to my class. And to my surprise, we have a long quiz!!! I didn't review!!

But giving up isn't in my vocabulary so I just did all my best and gave all i have and think that it was just a simple assignment

This test is out of 100

We finished the test and Sandra, my close classmate in this class came to me

Sandra is one of the rich kids in this University. But unlike the others, she's no b*tch and she's very kind, nice toward me

"Hey!" She poked me and smiled

"Oh hey.." I smiled back

"Do you think, you're gonna get a perfect score again this time?" She asked

"Actually I don't know..I didn't even review." I said as i felt myself getting nervous cause failing a single quiz might be the reason why I can lose my scholarship

"Just relax." She said almost whispered as she rubbed my back

She know exactly how much important this chance to me

"Thank You." I smiled


"Okay Class! I already checked your papers! So, I will call the 5 person who got highest score!" Our professor said

"Uh Sir! Is it lowest to highest or highest to lowest?" Sandra asked as she raised a little her hand

"Lowest to Highest, Ms. Bullock."

"Oh okayyy.." She whispered

We laughed softly

"Okay! So it's Mr. Samson. Who got 88. Mr. Smith who got 89. Ms. Williams who got 91. Ms. Bullock who got 95."

We looked at each other as our eyes got widen

"Congrats" I smiled so wide as I shake her arm

"Thanks" She chuckles

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