Take Care (12)

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Jennifer's POV

He then formed his lips into a smile., and it made me pissed. He thinks I'm gonna go with him.

I just continued to walk and ignore him. I walked faster but that wasn't enough, the car still can follow me until

"Okay fine!!! I'm Sorry!!!" He shouted through the window

That made me stopped and look at him

It's not really usual to hear words like this from him..., he just said Sorry..

I thought he will just go away and leave me here behind cause I'm not that worth to spend time to talk to

"Can you say it again?" I said

"No! I said it already!" He said looking away

"Then goodbye!" I said as I continue to walk

"Okay okay!!! Geez!! I'm Sorry okay?? Sorry sorry sorry!! Is that enough?" He shouted still and it's not yet accepted for me

"Can you just say it in a polite and sincere tone..? Please...?" I said giving him fake smile

He took a deep breath and I raised my brow., I saw him rolled his eyes and smiled at me but I know it's fake.

"I'm so Sorry., Ms. Jennifer. I promise, it won't happen again..you're right. I don't know you but I feel you've been through a lot and I was wrong cause I judged you that way and I'm really sorry..., Okay? I'm Sorry.." He said..., with sincerity in his eyes and tone in the end of what he just said and it somewhat calmed me...and that is really accepted

"Are we good now? Cause look. The rain is getting heavier." And he's right, the wind blows so strong and the rain dropped hardy in my skin

I was about to open the door of the front door when Harry opened the door of the back seat where he is seating.

"Come on in." I heard him and so I went inside and closed the door. And this is the very first time that I'll be sitting next to him and it's just hard to believe this time.

My dress and hair are all wet and I'm freaking freezing. Then I saw from the side of my eye that he took off his coat and covered it to me.

And I couldn't help it but to get blushed in that moment... The time when Alex covered me by his coat was just okay.., nice and thoughtful but when it's Harry who did that..., is just surreal and marked an impact in my chest and made my heart beat so fast. This coat of his really smells good

I'm just looking at him...while he's fixing it to me then he caught him looked at me.

"There's no towel in here or new jacket. Only my coat and please.., don't be choosy.." He said and couldn't help it but to draw a smile inside as I just looked outside the window and release the smile that I've been hiding...

Harry swiped his car and the door of the apartment unlocked and we went inside. I roamed my eyes and nothing has changed. Including those shirts of Harry scattered on the floor in the bedroom. His door wasn't closed so it's easy for me to spot those

I just shook my head

"Maybe you should go change now before you'll catch a cold." Harry said from my behind. I saw him opened the fridge and get some water and my gaze landed on the sink. My goodness, his used utensils and plate were still there..

"Okay uhm.., do you want something to eat? I can cook and prepare for you if you want.." I said

"No. Thank You.." He said in a nice tone as he smiled

"Okay then.., I'll go shower now." I said and nodded my head at him

"Jennifer..." I faced him

It took him few seconds before he speak

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