But The Hardest Part Of This Is Leaving You......

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Part 1 of 2

Title inspired by: "Cancer" by My Chemical Romance

Story inspired by: Warped Tour 2005

I woke up pretty early. Around 5am, I think?? I have no clue.

All I remember is waking up next to him. He was asleep, breathing slowly and deeply.

Such a beautiful angel. My beautiful angel.

The way his lips were open slightly, letting soft snores escape from his lips, made my lips jealous. I tried desperately to mimic his breathing.

It had become six; he wouldn't wake up until noon, at least.

I had spent so much of my summer with him, I knew him better than he knew himself.


"Aaanndd...... you REALLY like British Pop." The younger of the two let out a small laugh, making random shapes (which, of course, had hearts most of the time) and little 'I love you's on the elders hand.

"You know, I think you may know me better than anyone."

"Oh really now?" The younger nodded, looking up to meet the others stare. ''Even after the fact that we started ACTUALLY talking just a few months ago?" He nodded.

"Maybe even better than my brother."

"Well damn." A small pause, both not knowing what to say for a little bit. "I'm pretty smart, then, huh?" They smiled at his stupidity.

"Just shut up." They leaned in as their lips met (for what seemed like the hundredth time that day).

~end of flashback~)

I felt as if I was so caught up with him, so caught up with his beauty, his amazingness, that I barely noticed most of anything else.

I started getting up, careful not to wake him.

After what felt like forever, I finally got out of the bunk. I reached for my clothes and threw them on. (I mean, why/who would (anyone) ever go outside naked??.......... Heheh, ME.)

I turned to look at him; such a beautiful angel.

I smiled at the sleeping soul, moving down to kiss his forehead for the last time.

"Goodbye, my angel." I spoke softly in his ear.

I moved away, heading to the front of the bus. (Which was actually not all that hard because his bunk was at the front of the hall.)

I looked out the window.

'Truck stop.' I thought.

I looked back at the bunk area, doing a spit salute towards the hall.

I walked off the bus, looking around for mine.

"Gotcha!" I whispered to myself as I found my bus, starting to walk towards it.

"Peter?" I stopped dead in my tracks. 'Fuck.'

I turned around, looking at him. His hair was everywhere; worse then mine. He had nothing on but boxers.

(MY boxers to be exact.)

He looks so good in my clothes (that he can sOME HOw fit, even if he is W A Y taller then me.)


"I-I kn-now we had, we had, um, p-plans, but........" Tears were formed in his eyes, and he was shaking. Scared, even.

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