Authors Note

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To those of you who know me irl, don't judge me! I wrote this book just for some sh*ts and giggles.

So I'll usually have one code per chapter. If any of you guys have codes that you want in the book just dm me or leave a comment. If it's a comment I will automatically give you a shoutout and if it's a dm, just tell me if you want a shoutout or not.

PLEASE DONT BE AFRAID TO COMMENT!!! This is a safe zone here! Please stay positive with your comments though and don't be rude or mean.

My goal here is to create a space for girls (or really weird boys who clicked on a book about periods😂😂 Or really good boyfriends that want to have a code with their girlfriend, in which case major props to you! Anyway...) to talk about their periods without judgment.

I'm happy to answer any questions, but I am no doctor, so if you have a technical question, I'll try my best to answer but if I'm not sure I'll probably say to ask a doctor because I don't want to give you false information.

If you guys want any info on period hacks or things like that, I highly recommend looking up Marissa Rachel on YouTube. She is the period queen!!!👸🏼🇯🇵

Feel free to tell codes, stories, and other things (the more embarrassing and funny the better 😂😂😂) and show some girl love!

-jelly bean!❤️❤️❤️

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