Kallie's Fate (Dylan Sprayberry fanfic)

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It was a typical day on the bus coming home from middle school. I was sitting alone, unnoticed at the back of the bus in a seat with things written on it like, 'I was here' and 'You suck'. Pete was picking on Clark, as usual. I wish I could just punch him in the face, but I know I can't. My mom taught me to hold back. She said doing things like that wasn't right for anyone to do, and because I wasn't the average person, who knows what kind of damage one blow to the face could do? You could see Clark had no fear of Pete, but wouldn't show just how brave he was either.

"Leave him alone, Pete." The girl across from Clark perked up.

"What are you, his girlfriend?" He responded. That shut her up. Pete continued to spit mean comments at Clark. Clark tuned them out as did I. I put my earbuds in and began listening to some music. All of a sudden the bus shifted left and I heard screams. Without a chance to process what happened, the bus hit a car and ran straight off of the bridge we were crossing. Water was added to the scream-flooded bus. I was shocked from the whole situation and wasn't sure how to react. I was sure I was going to die.

The water filled my phone connected to the earbuds still in my ears. It created sparks sending an electric shock through my body and I was out cold.

I woke up to the bus being pushed out of the water. I coughed up water I had consumed and turned to the back door of the bus. I saw a soaked boy peering up at me. Clark saved us all. He quickly turned back and jumped into the water. Pete flew out of the water with Clark following behind. Clark's heart was pure. He saved his worst enemy when he needed saving most. That was the kind of person my mom always taught me to be. It suddenly hit me. Humans can't push buses out of the water on their own. Was Clark even human? Then I realized, he was more like me than I thought. Clark could be the answer to who I really was.

"Kallie? Are you trying to tell me that there is a chance you aren't the only one out there like this?" My mother had a concerned look on her face as I spoke to her about the event that happened just a few hours ago.

"That's exactly what I'm saying. Mom, we both know I'm not from here. This boy might not be either. He may be the answer to our question we have been asking all thirteen years of my life!" I desperately wanted to know my purpose in the world, but my mom valued the normal life she had worked so hard to give me. I can't exactly have a normal life if I'm not normal though.

"Kallie, you are no different than any other human being in this world. You are a very strong girl not only physically but mentally, too. Sure, we have encountered a schizophrenia issue, but you overcame it after you started the medication, right?" My mom looked scared. I could tell she knew something was different about me. She knew I wasn't schizophrenic or just 'super strong'. I wasn't from here, and that scared her; especially because there was more of my kind here on Earth.

"Mom. Quit lying to yourself! I am not schizophrenic! Plus, I still see those crazy things. Every day I am terrified but I hide it. I thought if I tried to live a normal life like you said, it would help. Nothing has changed. I am not human, and we both know that."

"Kallie, I am done talking about this! Go to your room! When you are ready to reason with me, you may come out."

"You can't run from the truth, mom!" I yelled as I ran up the stairs. I grabbed my orange backpack and put a clean outfit in it for tomorrow and packed up my toiletries. I opened up the window and jumped all the way from the second floor and landed on the grass without any damage taken. If my own mother couldn't accept who I truly was, I would find out on myself. I took off for the woods behind my house and fell asleep at the bottom of a tree.

****Author's note****

Hey guys! Just a quick note. I need suggestions for a celebrity to play Kallie. If you have a suggestion just comment and let me know. Thank you so much for reading!"

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