Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


It's 6:30. Show time.

"Are you ready Bree?" Chase called from the hallway.

"Yeah. Just let me grab my phone." I yelled back. I turned back to the mirror to look at my outfit. I had on a casual blue dress with my hair curled and sandals. I turned on my heel and made my way to the living room where Chase was waiting for me.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Ready." I stated slowly as we locked our fingers together and made the known journey from the building to the car.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Chase asked as we pulled away from our home. I sighed and nodded.

"It's time." I said. The rest of the way we drove in a comfortable silence. We both knew what was about to come. The plan was about to be put in full gear. In other words, phase three was about to commence.

"Here goes nothing." Chase said as he knocked on the door. I could hear the shuffling on the other side of the door. I turned to see Chase was wearing the same shade of blue as I was. Well, we weren't giving away the fact that we were dating or anything.

"Hey... Guys." Leo greeted us gesturing towards our clothes.

"Don't ask. It's kind of a habit." I hissed. Adam chuckled as he walked over to the door from the kitchen. I smiled shyly at him.

"Hey." Adam said with a wave. If looks could kill, Chase would have murdered Adam. I knew he was slightly jealous about all of this.

"Hi Adam." I said as sweetly as possible. Chase rolled his eyes and took me by the hand inside. Adam glared down at Chase as he lead me to sit by him on the couch. I looked over to see Adam giving us a questioning look. I tried to start but then, Chase took over for me.

"Adam, care to tell me about you dating my ex girlfriend/ best friend?" Chase said in a sarcastic tone. I moved slightly over and away from him on the couch. Adam looked like he had been caught red handed.

"Well, actually me and Bree have only gone out on one date. Right now, I was kind of dating Caitlyn but I have no idea where-" Adam was stopped by another knock at the door.

"Well I wonder who that could be." Leo said in fake shock. You could say the world was ending and Adam would run for his life. He had no idea who was on the other side of that door.

"Hi Leo. Is Adam here? Oh sorry, I didn't know you guys had company." Caitlyn said as she walked into the apartment. I smiled over at her. She looked over at Chase with the biggest smile I had ever seen. If she even thinks for a second that she and Chase... I won't even finish that thought.

"Hi Chase. I didn't know you'd be here." Caitlyn stated in fake shock as she flipped her hair over her shoulder. Chase sighed.

"Caitlyn, sorry to ruin whatever relationship we had, but I'm taken now." Chase said simply. Adam looked pissed. He looked back to Chase.

"Well who might you be dating, Chase?" Adam said as if he was threatening him. Chase stood up slowly. Here we go.

"I'm actually seeing Danielle. You remember her right?" Chase said confidently. Adam went from mad to furious.

"What do you mean? I was just out with Danielle today! I guess she figured out who she liked better... Just like Bree." Adam said with a smirk. Chase turned to me then faced his attention back to Adam. Chase smiled up at him evilly.

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